View Full Version : 2014 Basic Site Layout in Phases

2014-07-25, 08:18 PM
Pardon me if this is a bit basic but this is the first time I have done a site layout in phases. I am used to modeling buildings and generating CD's.

What would be the best method of showing phases in the site layout?

I have laid out the master plan with model lines but was told today I need to present the site in phases. Would breaking the items up into Phasing or Design options be better? Or something different?

Also it is ultimately going to be colored and would like to keep it in Revit rather than export and color with Photoshop. This seems to present another issue as filled regions are not able to be placed on phases. Thus I might have to create the site elements as topo, in place components and/or masses.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

2014-07-29, 02:55 PM
The best way to do it anyways is to use real elements like floors and walls. Those will be easily phased.

2014-07-29, 04:27 PM

Try using Area Plans. These will be better than using filled regions, and I'm pretty sure that you can build them out in Phases. Make sure to setup your area plan types prior to creating your area plans. Someone please let me know if I'm incorrect.

Jeff S.

Maciej Wypych
2014-07-30, 07:33 AM
Hi Jeff,

Unfortunately you can't use phases for areas.
I'm guessing you can have different area schemes, like existing, proposed,etc..
But I'd use masses instead. 75% of the time there is a moment that someone will say- "Well, and how does it look in 3d?" or "Let's show it in 3d the client will be impressed/will like it more/will understand it better..."

2014-07-30, 01:42 PM
They do work across multiple phases, unlike rooms (phase specific). But, you're unable to control when they are created & when they are demolished. That can be achieved by applying a View Filter by the value of the Comments parameter, or a custom Project Parameter applied to areas. Areas are Option aware as another option.

Masses are another route as well.

2014-07-30, 04:30 PM
I think there are two ways to deal with area plans with phases.
1. Just Area Schemes. Once you set up an Area Scheme for each phase, you can create area plans for each phase, then you can create area schedules using each Area Scheme. This means for each phase, you'll have to recreate the previous phase's areas if they continue on.
2. Comment or custom Project parameter + filters. This would allow you to have areas persist across phases, but so with out the boundaries, even if you don't want them to, so it might be difficult to control. I've never done it this way, so I could be wrong or there could be a better way.

With masses, that's a very nice way to go, but it can get clunky depending on how specific the program is and/or the form of the building.

Maciej Wypych
2014-07-30, 11:56 PM

Maybe I wasn't clear- Unfortunately you can't use phases for areas. =>Can't apply phases to areas.

Yes, you can apply filters, override by element, have different area schemes, etc... it works, but it may lead to inconsistency across multiple drawings, especially with multiple users involved. And yes, you could add a comment to an area saying which phase it actually is, or even a project parameter for phasing ( That would probably lead to even more inconsistency and confusion)

It's a bit annoying in Revit that you can't apply phase graphic overrides by view. You can add more phase filters, but the only way to have different graphic overrides for a phase on different drawings is to create more phases (again can be inconsistent and it's not user proof) I'm guessing that the idea was to force consistency in a project, but if you are using the same model for planning ("fluffy" & colorful drawings) and construction (boring but clear) , Revit doesn't give you the flexibility you need to display different phases.

Mental note to myself:
1. Stop posting before morning coffee :)
2. Add a filter rule by phase to wishlist.

2014-08-03, 03:28 PM
Thanks for all of the replies everyone, I appreciate it.

I am so used to modeling and creating CD's for buildings, not doing campus master plans. This is a new experience for me and I am still trying to figure out the best course. Unfortunately I have been asked to keep all the old versions as I go so my level 1 floor plan is now peppered with 3,000 x 4,000 sf plans, all 2d model lines. I think I will export to dwg and continue on. Just rambling.

Phases are working while duplicating the views and adding filled regions as needed.

Thanks again.