View Full Version : 2015 Rooms Tags Losing Reference

2014-07-28, 10:54 AM
I have a project where we've linked parts of a building with each sections' rooms into a blank file.

A few of the room tags we had created in the blank file somehow lost their reference to their rooms and were showing a '?'. We had not deleted the rooms in the linked file.

I had to go through and rehost each tag one at a time. Thank fully there weren't many, but if it happens again or frequently we could have a serious problem.

What might cause this?

2014-07-28, 01:48 PM
The rooms may not have been deleted, but they may have been moved relative to the linked model. Did anyone adjust the Project Base Point or shift the model around in space?

If you're using 2014 or higher, I would suggest you create spaces in your linked model. Then use the Space Naming Utility available from AutoDesk to match up the spaces to the rooms in your linked model.

Just my thoughts,
Jeff S.

2014-07-28, 02:01 PM
There was no shift. This was over a period of an hour or two from when the tags were created to when they broke.

So, if the internal reference (the centre of the X) moves, do you think that would break the link?

Just tried moving the reference and it didn't break it.

2014-07-28, 02:45 PM
Are there finish floors in the model that sit on the level, their thickness is above the level? That will mess with room calculation, usually the area stops reporting.

2014-07-28, 03:55 PM
Nope. No finish floor information as yet in this model.

The rooms appear to be fine in the model they live in. It's only a freak handful that when the link was updated, lost their references. Also, it appears to be working now.

I just want to figure out what happened so I can keep it from happening again. With 800 rooms it's not a hassle I want to have regularly.

2014-09-25, 07:07 PM
We've encountered this issue with tagging duct and pipe from a linked file as well. Tags lose host even though no one has touched the objects since they've been tagged. Very frustrating as it's a wild goose chase trying to find the ones that have lost their host.

If it's happened once, our experience is that it will happen again. I don't know of a fix, I just created a thread in the MEP forums asking about it.

cliff collins
2014-09-29, 02:49 PM
Make sure the Link is set to Room Bounding.
Pin the Link.
Place the Link on its own Workset.
Check if any Room Separation Lines could be causing problems?
How is Link pathed? i.e. on the same LAN / server, on another server? over a WAN? Revit Server? Could be a "stale" network connection problem causing Link to not be found--then refreshed?

2014-09-30, 07:10 AM
Im gonna go with Cliff here. We had a projet that kept doing it so we forced the link to the unc path \\Servershare\Project instead of P:\ and it solved the problem.