View Full Version : 2015 My model turns to wireframe mode.

2014-08-21, 02:47 AM
As I am working on the model, it gradually turns to wireframe mode. I know I am not changing it myself. There must be a glitch somewhere in to program. Has anyone encountered this problem and been able to fix it?

2014-08-21, 02:24 PM
May be a video card issue...what kind of card are you using? Drivers up to date?

2014-08-26, 07:06 PM
Had this on a project just like week. I'm pretty sure it was caused by a linked CAD file with extents more than 20 miles from the origin. That issue is getting to be a real pain for me.

2014-08-26, 08:55 PM
Prior to opening the file, I get a message saying:

"Some elements were lost during import. ActiveX and some proprietary components cannot be imported. Try exploding the file in AutoCAD, or setting Proxygraphics to 1."

I've been getting this message for a while but the issue appear to be unrelated since the problem of the wireframe has never really been a issue until now.

How do I even set the Proxygrpahics to 1 if this may be the issue.

I've unloaded all autocad files with no improvement.