View Full Version : 2014 Phase Mapping Dialog box

2014-08-28, 06:11 PM
So I have a project that currently has 16 phases to it. I'm going to be adding more in the future.
When I select on a link to set the phase mapping I can only see the first 9 phases.
There doesn't appear to be an option to scroll down the list or anything like that.
I can't resize the box. What are you supposed to do? :roll:
Am I missing something here? You can create more than 9 phases, you should be able to map to all of them.
Thanks in advance.

2014-08-29, 01:53 PM
So I guess the solution is to click a whole bunch of times near the bottom of the last row in the phase mapping dialog box and it will go down to the next one. Without a whole lot of random clicking I never would have figured that one out.

Duncan Lithgow
2014-09-02, 08:43 AM
Oh dear. Sounds like the devs didn't expect so many Phases in a model. Why do you have so many, and how on earth do you maintain model discipline with all those Phases?

2014-09-02, 12:22 PM
It all stems from life safety plans. Large Hospital addition and shuffle of existing spaces. Remodel a space, move a space, remodel a space move a space, build a space, move a space, remodel a space, move a space..... you get the idea. We need to create life safety plans for each major phase of the project. It's also to help our contractor figure out what stays and what goes. We're basically gutting a Hospital. But since you can't shut down a Hospital for 2yrs..... we've got to phase it. It was this method or create 20 different models. I choose the later.
As for model discipline.... well that's still a work in progress.