View Full Version : Detail Modifications_Keep detail components and annotations aligned correctly

2005-03-07, 06:30 PM
Hi guys,

I was working on a house project a couple of months ago using nothing but Revit. I used Revit's detailing capabilities which I was very happy and impressed with, adding detail components and annotations directly to the detail view. My client has asked for several house changes which will impact the wall detailing i did previously, I've updated the building model but I noticed alot of the detail components and annotations are no longer aligned with the wall details I applied them to.

My question is this, when making significant changes to the building model, is there any way to lock the detail components and annoatations. I like to keep my details live with each project but if there is not an effiecient way to do this I'll be forced to use detail views unassociated with the live model. I'm not expecting when I make a change to the building model that the detail components magically change to fit the detail, but generally attached themselves to the detail if I move and/or modify part of the building model.

Any insight on this would be great!

2005-03-07, 06:44 PM
Align tool provides a one time alignment (alignment may be broken when things change). However upon alignment Revit typically shows an unlocked lock control. User can click on this control and thus lock the alignment (make it parametric). In the presence of locked alignment detailed components will move together with underlying building model.

2005-03-07, 06:52 PM
you can align-lock or dimension-lock detail components just like you can with model elements. Lock the detail components to their corresponding model components and that should take care of most of it.

That being said, it will not take care of text leaders & some other things. I have had situations where I move a wall for example, and I want the detail to stay the same, just moved over 4" or whatever, and it can be a bummer to go back and move all of the text and everything. I'm not sure how it would be implemented, but it would be nice to be able to lock the entire detail as a whole to a piece of the model.

Ok, I just thought of something while typing & it works. Just take all of your detail components, detail lines, text, etc. (everything that is view specific) and group it. Then align and lock one part of it correctly in the model. Whenever that model element moves the entire detail will go with it. This seems like it would be a good idea once you have the details just pretty well finished. The list of detail groups in the project will get rather large, but that's probably ok...

2005-03-07, 08:16 PM
Thanks for the quick responses! I think the grouping of all detail components and annotations then locking / aligning them to the detail model itself will work for me, I'll give it a shot!.

The biggest problem was just as you mentioned, about the components and text going all over the place once a wall in the building model was stretched.