View Full Version : New Revit Book

cliff collins
2003-11-17, 10:45 PM
Anyone have any other info on a new Revit book by Christopher Lay Fox
titled Introducing and Implementing Autodesk Revit 5.5
I pre-oredered my copy in October from Amazon.com and it was supposed to ship by mid-Nov., according to Amazon's web info.

Well.... I checked the status, eagerly awaiting my new book--and it had not yet shipped as of Nov. 14. :?

So...... I called the publisher, who tells me it won't be released until AUGUST of 2004!!!!!! :evil:

If anyone has different info, please let me know.



2003-11-18, 11:13 AM

This is Chris Fox, co-author of the Revit book you tried to buy. The short answer is, the publisher wants us to wait for Release 6.0 so the book can have a shelf life of more than six months. Jim Balding and I completed our manuscript based on 5.x months ago.

As soon as Revit releases a beta version of R6 to the Autodesk Developer Network we'll start work on revising our manuscript, illustrations and exercises as needed to make a solid up-to-date presentation available close to the formal ship date. Whether that means an August release I don't know. Everyone involved hopes for much sooner, but at this point it depends mostly on Revit's release cycle.

If you're going to Autodesk University we hope to have a couple of introductory chapters available in a loose binding at the Autodesk Press booth.

--Chris Fox

2003-11-18, 03:02 PM
As soon as Revit releases a beta version of R6 to the Autodesk Developer Network .....

If the R6 beta version isn't even out, I do not see how R6 can be released at AU as many here have predicted. Sigh... :(

cliff collins
2003-11-18, 03:10 PM

Thanks for the prompt reply. :) Good things are worth the wait, so the saying goes.....sure would be nice if Amazon.com had a clue! :roll: I'll try to (again) make them aware of the delayed release date.

I will not be able to attend AU--is there another way to get the "beta" version of your book/and or R6 software? I am training/implementing Revit into our small firm--this would be extremely helpful, as good documentation on Revit is scarce if not non-existent.

I appreciate your response and look forward to the book and future releases of Revit.

Cliff Collins