View Full Version : 2014 PAGESETUP plot style table not being recognised

2014-10-23, 07:50 PM
I have a Pagesetup for final plots. It is a CTB file. Example,, Layer Stamps has a color 83. In the CTB file I have speicfied that I want lineweight of .5. I get thin lines. It's not just this layer and color. It's all across the board.
The stupid thing worked the other day. But now at the 11th Hour it is giving me grief.
Any ideas as to why I can't get Autocad to the Pagesetup and run with it?

2014-11-25, 04:13 PM
I think the correct title for this thread should be "plot style table" not being recognized.

A pagesetup is the collection of saved plot settings including the plot style table and other things such as the sheet size, plot orientation, etc.

Regarding the issue here, I don't know why it would work one minute and not the next.
Could you have changed the layer color (or object color) to a truecolor (non 1-255 ACI color)?
Could the directory where the CTB files are stored be temporarily unavailable at the time you printed?
Maybe you're using different profiles, which could have different paths to the CTB files, and that particular CTB was not available at that time.
There are probably dozens of scenarios where the CTB might not have been used at that one time.
Hard to say from here...

2014-11-25, 05:40 PM
RK's already got the yeoman's work covered; I just popped in to share that this is the fastest way I know of for applying the appropriate named Page Setup as active for multiple Layouts, and Drawings (i.e., ObjectDBX batch processing).

More information in this old post (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?80461-Page-Setup-Manager&p=1219546&viewfull=1#post1219546):



(foreach layoutname (layoutlist)
(vla-SetActivePageSetup layoutname “YourPageSetupName”)



2014-11-25, 06:12 PM
If you are using the PLOT command, and you have expanded the dialog to its full size (....why Autodesk...? sorry, that is a rant for another day...)
...then you should see the name of the plot style in the upper right of the dialog.
If you see a yellow shield as shown here, then the plot style cannot be found, and will not be applied.
