View Full Version : Doors as windows or windows as doors?

Nic M.
2003-11-18, 09:32 AM
In many cases I am confused conserning doors and windows
is this still a door? but it should schedule as a window or vice versa

I can just change the family categorie é voila i have a window
but it feels a lot ADTish so...

I want to give a schedule to the contractor of the "exterior framework"
regardles if its a door or a window, its in the same tender
But I don't want to explain to my co-worker that the doorfamilies are in the windows folder.

any comments?

2003-11-18, 09:30 PM
I think you have to accept normal building terminology as a basis to organise families. Doors are openings that cut the wall to the floor level. Windows are opening that cut above the floor. Only difficulty starts when walls slope and become roofs, but thats a different situation.

Andre Baros
2004-05-06, 10:13 PM
I think that certain doors need to be classified as windows. We will often have a series of exterior openings, all the same size, where one is a door and the rest are windows. In this case we traditionally show them all on the window schedule so that they are bid as a package and match eachother. My question is how you organize these so that eveyone knows where to look for them.

2004-05-06, 11:28 PM
Doors are something you walk through and windows are something you try not to walk through.

2004-05-07, 04:55 AM
You could just open the door/window family & change the family catagory(under settings) all to doors/windows. that way you will be able to schedule all on one!

Nic M.
2004-05-07, 06:44 AM
This is one of these things where you have to cope with the international agreements on this matter.

As a rule we use: Is it a "main" entrance to a room /space ? It's a door and will be scheduled as door.

With the current ability to filter schedules there is no need for us to make windows as doors or vise versa. We filter all the nesecary items in a schedule and put the different schedules on one sheet for the biddiing process.