View Full Version : 2014 Remove "LEROY" Text Style?

2014-10-31, 08:30 PM
We have a text style called "LEROY" that has permeated our drawings and cannot be deleted. It looks like, from the research I have done, it originated from AutoCAD Civil (or similar). When it gets into a drawing, even if NOT ONE SINGLE OBJECT EXISTS in the drawing, and LEROY isn't the current style, it is not able to be deleted. It has found its way into some of our template files now and is frustrating to me. Any suggestions?

2014-11-02, 03:32 PM
It could be attached to a Display Setting. Some things have text associated with them, and the Display Representation has a place to specify a text style to use for that text.

2014-12-04, 05:19 PM
If you can't find any text in the drawing, you can try to purge it out after using the LAYTRANS command. 2 step process.
Step 1
LAYTRANS (type at command line)
at pop up dialogue box:
select LOAD (browse for the drawing file and select it)
select MAP SAME
End of step 1

Step 2
PURGE (type at command line)
in pop up dialogue box:
Select only the items you want to be rid of (text styles, linetypes, etc)
Select PURGE (do NOT select purge all)
Close the dialogue box and the items should be gone from the drawing file.
(you can save the drawing as a separate file before the trying laytrans the first time)

2014-12-17, 08:57 PM
I recommend you save the file under another name before you do the 'laytrans' and purge procedure. I've only had it give me a problem once, when there was a lot of solid hatch patterns in the drawing. You can overwrite the original file after the procedure.