View Full Version : Session 5: Autodesk

RTC Events
2014-11-13, 11:00 PM
Instructors: Steven C. Shell, Architect www.scshell.com

Class Description: You have conquered the ribbon. You can model anything. You have mastered scheduling. So why do your drawings look flat and boring? Why are they less impressive than you expected? This class will show you how to get the most out of Revit's powerful graphic features. In addition, you will learn valuable visualization techniques to make your drawings 'pop'. We will cover various presentation visibility types, including plans, multiple overlay plans, and rendered plans and elevations. You will learn how to enhance non-rendered views with simple 'out of the box' graphic techniques and learn to use the section box feature to create hard to see views. Learn techniques to make your renderings look as good as they should creating dynamic and unique images. And finally, you'll learn how to use old world hand drafting techniques to improve visual clarity and make your Construction Documents communicate better. This class will benefit all Design Professionals, from beginning to advanced Revit users, who want to improve how their drawings look and communicate.