View Full Version : Wipeout Text Problems

2005-03-09, 10:08 AM
Hi All,

I use WIPEOUT when I have some text written on the drawing but when I try to move the text a. it moves only the text and it doesn't move the wipeout box b. it copies the moved text two or three times. I haven't seen that happening in previous releases of AutoCAD and I am not sure whether it is an AutoCAD bug or if it can be fixed by altering a variable or something like that. I am using AutoCAD Map 2005. I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you,

2005-03-09, 10:20 AM

Have a browse of the following thread -

Moving Text with Wipeout (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=15662)

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-09, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the reply Mike. Unfortunately that didn't work.

If I click on the text with the wipeout first and then click on the move icon (or type move), then the whole thing works fine. If I click on the move icon first and then select the text with the wipeout, then everything goes wrong. Wipeout doesn't move and text is copied a few times. Any ideas?


2005-03-09, 10:35 AM

What is your PickStyle set to?

Also take a look at PickAdd, what is it set to?

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-09, 10:43 AM
They are both set to 1. Even if I change the value the problem is still there. I opened the same drawing in a different computer which was running AutoCAD Map 2002 and it works fine. No problems. That's why I wonder if it is an AutoCAD Map 2005 bug.

Again thank you for your help.

2005-03-09, 10:51 AM

Take a look at comparing system variables between opening the drawing file on -

PC running Map 3D 2005
PC running Map 5 2002

The following thread should help with information on how to achieve that (if need be)....

Selection Set Variable for Filter command (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=6264)

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-09, 11:26 AM
Tried that too Mike. There are not many differences or very important ones between the two variable settings (Map 5 2002 and Map 2005). If you can think of anything else worth trying (or if anyone else does) I would appreciate it very much.


2005-03-09, 01:24 PM

How are you creating the WipeOut Objects associated with the Text Objects?

Express Tools -> TextMask


AutoCAD 2005 new built-in TextMask capabilities (dimension text box size hatch exclusion setting? (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=15480))?


Some other method? (please explain if that is the case).

If via Express Tools, what is returned if you LIST a Text Object (only select the Text Object using a single pick) that has TextMask associated with it?

If via new built-in TextMask capabilities, questions will have to wait until I get home and have access to AutoCAD 2005.

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-09, 02:52 PM
I used Text Mask from Express. I did what you asked for and the LIST gave me the following:

Command: textmask
Current settings: Offset factor = 0.350, Mask type = Wipeout
Select text objects to mask or [Masktype/Offset]:
1 found
Current settings: Offset factor = 0.350, Mask type = Wipeout
Select text objects to mask or [Masktype/Offset]:

1 text items have been masked with a Wipeout.

Command: _list
Select objects: 3 found
1 was filtered out, 1 group

Select objects:

Space: Model space
Handle = A9C0
Group = *A8
Location: X= 756.794 Y=-3880.913 Z= 0.000
Width: 2774.469
Normal: X= 0.000 Y= 0.000 Z= 1.000
Rotation: 0.00
Text style: "ISOCP"
Text height: 125.000
Line spacing: Multiple (1.000000x = 208.333)
Attachment: TopLeft
Flow direction: ByStyle

Space: Model space
Handle = A9C0
Group = *A8
Location: X= 756.794 Y=-3880.913 Z= 0.000
Width: 2774.469
Press ENTER to continue:
Normal: X= 0.000 Y= 0.000 Z= 1.000
Rotation: 0.00
Text style: "ISOCP"
Text height: 125.000
Line spacing: Multiple (1.000000x = 208.333)
Attachment: TopLeft
Flow direction: ByStyle


2005-03-09, 05:53 PM
Command: _list
Select objects: 3 found
1 was filtered out, 1 group

Select objects:

Space: Model space
Handle = A9C0
Group = *A8
Location: X= 756.794 Y=-3880.913 Z= 0.000
Width: 2774.469
Normal: X= 0.000 Y= 0.000 Z= 1.000
Rotation: 0.00
Text style: "ISOCP"
Text height: 125.000
Line spacing: Multiple (1.000000x = 208.333)
Attachment: TopLeft
Flow direction: ByStyle

Space: Model space
Handle = A9C0
Group = *A8
Location: X= 756.794 Y=-3880.913 Z= 0.000
Width: 2774.469
Press ENTER to continue:
Normal: X= 0.000 Y= 0.000 Z= 1.000
Rotation: 0.00
Text style: "ISOCP"
Text height: 125.000
Line spacing: Multiple (1.000000x = 208.333)
Attachment: TopLeft
Flow direction: ByStyle

Where does the "3 found" come from?

If everything is working correctly you should see -

Command: ._List
Select objects: 2 found, 1 group
Select objects:


In your example the Group (which comprises a MText Object & WipeOut Object) is being filtered out ie WipeOut Object is being removed....

With PickStyle = 1 or 3 & PickAdd = 1 it should be working in theory.

Does this occur within all drawing files Opened in Map 3D 2005?

What happens if you use the new built-in TextMask functionality?

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-10, 09:44 AM
Hi Mike,

I don't know what this "3 found" is. As you said, it should be 2. The strange thing is that if I click on the command icon first (i.e. copy, move, rotate, etc.) and then at the masked text it always finds 3 objects. If I click on the masked text first and then activate the command, it then finds 2 objects as it really should. Same thing with LIST. I tried to LIST both ways and it gave me two different results. It does that only with masked text and only when I use the Express command. If I use Background Mask it works fine.

I have seen that problem occuring in all drawings opened using AutoCAD Map 3D 2005.


2005-03-10, 09:57 AM

Could you please post an example drawing file that demonstrates the behaviour you've described.

I have not got AutoCAD Map 3D 2005, but I can take a look at the drawing in AutoCAD 2005 when I get home tonight.


Ideally someone with AutoCAD 3D 2005 could also take a look at the drawing file....

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-10, 10:07 AM

I will email this drawing to you.

At the office I work we have 5 PCs using AutoCAD 2005 and we used the same CD to install the program (we purchased the licenses online). In all 5 computers running AutoCAD 2005 we have the same problem.


2005-03-10, 10:10 AM
I will email this drawing to you.Hi


But please be aware I can not do anything with the drawing file until I get home.

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-10, 10:15 AM
Ok no problem with that. I need to let you know about one more thing. It is not a specific drawing that has this problem. It can be any drawing. Even a brand new one started from scratch. Or even a blank new drawing. So I am not quite sure whether you will be able to find something in the drawing I will send you or not. But it is worth trying.

Again thanks for your help.

2005-03-14, 08:18 PM
This problem appeared for me after SP1 and was understanding it was patch induced.


2005-03-14, 09:15 PM
I just happen to find the same problem starting last week, using 2004. Same problem as Imitsou.

2005-03-14, 11:18 PM
What is your Raster Colors options set to in your Display options? Graphics and do not use OLE app to plot?Also, what is the Object Sorting method settings in the drawing? All on?

2005-03-15, 09:22 AM
Just to update you about this problem, we also noticed that the same thing occurs when we move/copy/rotate/etc. objects/blocks that have attributes. It is exactly the same thing; you first click on the icon of the command you want to use, then pick the object you want and execute.The result is that the object you picked up copies itself regardless the command you used.

2005-03-17, 02:38 PM
If you set PICKSTYLE 0 or 2, although it moves separately the text and the wipeout frame, it doesn't multiply the text. It appears that it only copies text when PICKSTYLE=1

2005-03-17, 03:26 PM
Another quick update about this problem with the wipeout. If you click the move/rotate/etc. icon and then pick the masked text and execute the command, then the problem occurs. The text is copied and moved without the wipeout frame. Apparently, if you do exactly the same thing but instead of the masked text you pick the wipeout frame and then execute, it works fine as it should.

If anyone has any ideas ob how to solve this problem or if you have any updates, please let me know.

Many thanks,

2005-03-17, 05:12 PM
A quick question. Are you "Grouping" the text and mask when you run the command?

2005-03-18, 09:23 AM

No I don't group the items. I only use Text Mask from Express tools then click on the Mtext I want to mask and that's it. It should group the items automatically and since PICKSTYLE=1, both items (wipeout and mtext) should behave as grouped items.


2005-03-21, 11:07 AM
Another update about the wipeout problem. I activated the GROUP command and chose the masked text. I went then to the REORDER menu of the GROUP dialogue box and I saw that the MTEXT was Object 1 and the Wipeout was Object 0. Then I used the REVERSE ORDER option. Surprisingly, the text with the wipeout behaved properly this time when I moved it/rotated it/etc. no matter how I used each command (first the command and then the object or the opposite). Unfortunately, the same procedure needs to be executed each time we mask text in order to work properly.

By the sound of it, does anyone know if this is a variable problem that can be changed? If not, is there any LISP routine that would automatically REVERSE the order of the WIPEOUT and MTEXT?


2005-03-21, 11:20 AM

I am still unable to re-create the problem you are experiencing (as long as I have PickStyle = 1 or 3).

As you are using an AutoCAD 2005 based product, would it not just be easier to forget about TextMask (Express Tools command) and go with the new built-in TextMask capabilities of AutoCAD 2005 (Please refer to this (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=98204#post98204) post).

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-21, 11:28 AM
Hi Mike,

We already use the new features of AutoCAD 2005 for masked text. The reason though I need and want to get to the bottom of this wipeout problem is because I see it as a challenge and I want to find the reason why this happens and the possible solution to the problem.

There are others dealing with the same problem who are not using AutoCAD 2005 with the new built-in Background Mask feature. They are using AutoCAD Map 2002, 2004, etc. So it would be good if we could find the reason and the solution.


2005-03-21, 01:09 PM
The reason though I need and want to get to the bottom of this wipeout problem is because I see it as a challenge and I want to find the reason why this happens and the possible solution to the problem.Hi

I do understand and would be in exactly the same boat as yourself; but I honestly can not recreate the problem (even the drawing file you sent me, works at my end).

Good luck,


2005-03-21, 01:18 PM
Hi Mike,

I really appreciate your help. It would be great if you could recreate the problem I am talking about and try things to solve this problem but unfortunately even with the drawing I sent you it couldn't happen. I opened the same drawing at home (I have AutoCAD 2005 at home) and everything worked fine there so I do know what you are saying.

Thanks for your help anyway.

2005-03-21, 01:25 PM
It would be great if you could recreate the problem I am talking about and try things to solve this problem but unfortunately even with the drawing I sent you it couldn't happen.Hi

Are you based in London?

If yes, where?

If no, where are you based?

:beer: Mike

2005-03-21, 01:34 PM
Based in Centre Park in Warrington, Cheshire.

2005-03-21, 01:46 PM
Do you have any custom routines that are used at your office? Maybe one of those is affecting the Wipeout routine. It may be from a custom ARX or preloaded Lisp routine that has a global variable in it that is conflicting with the Wipeout? Or possibly, the noun\verb switch?

2005-03-21, 01:49 PM
Based in Centre Park in Warrington, Cheshire.Hi

If I get to our Altrincham office in the near future (was working there last year for a month), I will give you a shout; pop over to your office and take a look; as long as that is ok! with yourself.

:beer: Mike

2005-03-21, 01:53 PM

We installed AutoCAD 3d Map 2005 from the same cd in 5 computers and we purchased the licenses online. In all 5 computers we have the same problem. In one of them (mine) there are some LISP routines running, no ARXs. The rest 4 computers don't have any routines running at all. We all have the noun/verb checked.


2005-03-21, 01:54 PM
That would be fine by me Mike. Thank you for that. It is very much appreciated.

2005-03-21, 02:08 PM
That would be fine by me Mike. Thank you for that. It is very much appreciated.Hi

No worries.

Hopefully you will have it resolved before that.

:beer: Mike

2005-03-21, 02:09 PM
Hopefully!!! Fingers crossed!

Thanks Mike,