View Full Version : how do I load a floor edge profile?

2005-03-09, 03:16 PM
In my project I see my slab edge profiles listed in the family tree under Floors>Slab Edge but when I load a new slab edge profile it comes in under just Profiles. And, when I create a floor edge sweep I can't choose my new profile (the only options are the 2 default ones).

In fact the load button in the element properties is grayed out. Why can't I load a new profile?


2005-03-09, 04:17 PM
I can't seem to load any type of profile (wall, floor, etc.) using the element properties dialog. Why is the load button grayed out? I even started a new project with no template and have the same problem.

2005-03-09, 04:30 PM
Sorry for the multiple posts. How do I escalate this to a serious problem? I just closed revit, reopened and it still won't let me use the load button. I tried opening on another machine, same problem. I swear I could do this yesterday (I didn't really try yesterday).

What could I possibly be missing?

Scott D Davis
2005-03-09, 04:51 PM
use the File>Load from Library>Load Family, then track down and load the profile. Then go to your Slab Edge, go to properties, duplicate it, rename it and then change to the newly loaded profile.

Does that work?

2005-03-09, 04:56 PM
Nope. I only see the two default profiles. In the past I noticed that if my profile wasn't closed it wouldn't show up. But I can't load any of the Revit profiles for walls, floors, gutters, etc. Actually what I mean is I can load them normally and they do show up in the family BUT they don't show up in the drop down list when changing profiles.

2005-03-09, 09:52 PM
Are you using the Host Sweep Tool ?

As Scott said, you should be able to access the loaded profile through the Edit properties > Profile menu of that tool.

2005-03-09, 10:00 PM
Yes. And I can access the loaded profile through the edit button. But I can only see the 2 profiles that are already loaded by default - the "load" button is grayed out and won't let me laod any new profiles.

I can load profiles using the project load command but that only brings the profiles into the family tree. It doesn't show up in the list of profiles available in the edit command.

Scott D Davis
2005-03-09, 10:19 PM
hmmm...my profie list from within the Slab edge Propoerties shows all my loaded profiles, which were loaded through the File>Load from Family. Load button inside of slab edge properties is grayed out.

How did you create the profile? Did you use the profile.RFT template, or the profile-hosted.RFT template. You must use only the profile.RFT . You are sure that the profile is a closed loop.

If this doesn't work, post here your profile RFA, and I will try and load it to see if it works.

Tom Dorner
2005-03-09, 10:45 PM
Noah, I think you are missing a step. Just the act of loading a profile into a project will not make it appear in the drop down list. Go to the properties of one of the sweeps, click on the properties button, click "edit/new" "duplicate" name it whatever you want then under "profile" in the properties box your loaded profiles will be in the list. Choose one and then close everything out. You new "named sweep family" should now appear in the drop down list.

Hope this helps,


2005-03-10, 02:28 AM
Thanks, I'll try that tomorrow. I was really starting to go crazy - I hope that works.

Scott, I wasn't making my own profile just trying to load in a standard Revit profile.

I guess I still don't quite understand this extra step but I'll give it try. Why can't I just load a profile into the project and then go to the sweeps and my profile shows up???? What is the purpose of the load button if it is grayed out?????

Scott D Davis
2005-03-10, 04:08 AM
You need to load the profile, and then create a type of Floor Edge using that profile. You create the Floor Edge type by duplicating one of the types already loaded. Duplicate, rename, and then pull-down the profile drop down from within the properties of the floor edge.

Tom Dorner
2005-03-10, 04:12 AM
Noah, don't feel bad. The reason I knew what step you were missing is because I was stuck in that same spot when I was first learning Revit.


2005-03-12, 11:40 AM
Noah, I was up most of the night fighting with this problem (and others) until I found this post. For me it was a wall sweep and I thought I was doing everything right except nothing was showing up in my drop down menu for wall sweeps. Merely loading from the library will not do it and it seems to have been explained well above but often times the explainations by the the guys who know Revit so well often assume that we know more than we do. So here is a rookie version:

I assume that you have drawn your profile and save to someplace you can retreive it.

- From the File menu>Load from Library>Load Family>Select your Profile>Open
-Go to Modeling tab of Design Bar
-Select Host Sweep
-Select one of the 5 options, Wall Sweep, Wall Reveal, etc.
-Select ANY Profile from the drop-down list
-Place your sweep into project (Wall, Floor, etc)
-In the Design Bar select Modify and select the Sweep you just placed
- Go to Properties>Edit/New>Duplicate
-Name your new profile (the one you created and loaded) Click OK
- In the TypeProperies box under Construction you will find Profiles. In the drop down list to the right you will find the profile you created, along with many others.
-Select your profile and click either Apply or OK

Your new Profile should now appear in the drop down list when you select Host Sweep>type of sweep

I was doing this for dimensioned lumber to use as corner trim and when I created the profile I made several Family Types (1x2,1x4, etc). When I loaded the profile all the types loaded but if you want each type to appear in the drop down menu you will have to repeat for each type while in the Type Properties box.

For my application I think the extra steps for each size might be worth it in time savings and convenience in the long run.

2005-03-12, 02:34 PM
Now that I've completed the explanation I am having trouble getting my vertical sweep of a 1x4 to go completely to the wall edge when I have adjoining walls, such as a four sided box. I can do this on a single wall. I then figured that the problem might be in the wall joins since I got this message: "Could not create Wall Sweep. Sweep position is outside of its wall. Please check sweep parameters."

As a "work-around" I edited the wall joins to "Miter". Now it works. Then I tried to edit the same joints back to "Butt" an was unable to do so. Buildings are not constructed this way, at least ours. Is this a big problem or is there another solution?

2005-10-27, 04:46 PM
I've had this same problem with wall hosted sweeps. If the wall corner isn't mitered, I can't get the sweep to attach at the wall corner. It may have to be that the materials have to overlap at the butt corner in order for the sweep to apply. I haven't yet worked that out....

...for the time being, I am also "mitering" all my corners. Would hate to aska contractor to do that in the field!