View Full Version : 2015 Revit - Dimension strings partially vanish.

2014-11-19, 12:47 AM
Hi guys

I have a bit of an odd problem. I hope someone has had the same issue and solved it. :)

I have units plans (Revit file A & B) which are linked (as an Attachment) in to a 4 story building (Revit file C). I have a total of 2 buildings (Revit file C & D). Revit file D has same link hierachy as Revit file C.

Revit file C & D are both linked in to a composite file (Revit file E) which holds all my sheets, details and nothing else.

All Views and dimensions are created within Revit file C & D. The Views are then referenced in Views in file E. This keeps Revit file E very clean and only serves as a placeholder where I do all my keynotes using a shared keynote file.

Here is my issue.

Dimension strings in Revit file C & D that touches the linked Unit plans (Revit file A & B) partially disappears in Views in Revit file E. I say partially because one continuous dimension string that grasps walls in Revit file C & D and Revit File A & B only vanishes from whenever it hits A or B and then re-appears when C or D is hit.

Has anyone had this issue. Please help as I am in close to giving up the linking part and just go with groups. The dimension issue is the ONLY issue I have had. Everything else; Scheduling, calculations etc. works great.

2014-11-19, 02:24 PM
If I had to take a guess, were the dimensions placed in the E models or in the A-D models?
If in E, someone may have replaced a wall versus changing a wall type and thus loosing it's reference so that witness line has nothing to reference anymore.
So it leaves a gap in the line. I've seen this where people have hidden a gridline in a view.

2014-11-19, 03:10 PM
Hi Dave

Thank for replying.

The dimensions were not placed in the E model and all grid lines are turned off from 2nd floor podium and up. I made sure no dimensions placed in C & D would touch the gridlines. All dimension strings are placed in C & D. I've double checked. I have no clue as to what goes on. Everything is as clean as possible.