View Full Version : Extending Existing Walls

2003-11-20, 06:03 AM
Sorry to get all your attention off the rugby, but some of us are trying to do some work... :)

I have an existing wall that is proposed to be retained. The problem is it is only 2500mm high approx and indented (see jpeg), and I need to extend it on top of the existing, connected. I have tried to edit elevation but mr revit is not letting me.

Do I have to make a wall that sits on top of the existing, or is there another way to increase the height?

BTW, the existing is in the existing phase and all new work is in new work phase...duh :oops:

2003-11-20, 06:28 AM
have u try edit elevation?

2003-11-20, 06:40 AM
Really difficult to concentrate on this Funkman, but I'll give it a shot.

If I'm understanding you correctly, in reality the existing wall needs a new portion of wall added on top, on which your new slab sits.

So the correct appraoch would be to do exactly that , in the new phase add the wall. Don't try to extend the existing wall.

You should, however be able to extend the existing wall if you wanted to. Just make sure its not attached to a level at the top, or otherwise constrained.

Now , where were we, ah yes, 80 minutes, 44 players, 1 dream...

2003-11-20, 06:43 AM
sohocad thanks for the reply, yes i did that, see my post.

beegee, so the tiny wall has to be built like in the real world? It is about 3 courses high and one wide. Thought there may be an easier way, but apparently not. At least i am not on site today doing it.


2003-11-20, 06:59 AM
Well thats the way a purist, like me, would do it.

But if you want to take the easy way out and play dirty ( remind you of a certain rugby team ? ) then, sure, just extend the wall. I didn't really follow the logic on why you couldn't do that. But then, my minf is on other things.

2003-11-20, 07:06 AM
Purist is I. Did it already. The reason why it couldn't is because the existing wall was attached to the existing roof which of course was demolished in the new works phase. The existing wall retains its extents thus leading to me doing an infill brickcourse or two in the new works phase. I guess this is what restricted it. Damn accuracy huh?!?!

Anyway, all done, so we can bring on the footy. Mind you, the real game doesn't start until Feb 2004 - RL that is. No doubt you are a bronco?

2003-11-20, 07:26 AM
Right, that splains it.

re RL, I used to live in Sydney, so I have some understanding of the game to which you refer ( on the basis that it was impossible to have any social interaction with anyone in the office unless you talked League ). Now we rugger types are not like that at all, are we ?

2017-06-13, 06:26 AM
Sorry to get all your attention off the rugby, but some of us are trying to do some work... :)

I have an existing wall that is proposed to be retained. The problem is it is only 2500mm high approx and indented (see jpeg), and I need to extend it on top of the existing, connected. I have tried to edit elevation but mr revit is not letting me.

Do I have to make a wall that sits on top of the existing, or is there another way to increase the height?

BTW, the existing is in the existing phase and all new work is in new work phase...duh :oops:

Hi did you find a solution? I have the same problem. My existing wall is attached to the existing roof at 9' height and the new roof is at 11', how can I preserve the wall for my existing elevation and edit the same wall for my new elevation with the new roof? Thanks

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Hi did you solve it? I have the same problem. Thanks