View Full Version : "Can't edit floor sketch"

Exar Kun
2005-03-10, 05:38 AM
Why do I get this warning sometimes when editing floor sketches? It happens when I've changed the sketch and have tried to delete sketch lines that are no longer needed. But it won't let me - just pops up with this warning. Very confusing and frustrating. I don't want to re-draw the entire floor just to get it to work.

2005-03-10, 06:03 AM
It may have something to do with co-linear walls changing widths.

Refer THIS THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=14183&highlight=sketch+invalid)about ceilings - and Tamas's post particularly.

If that's not it, check in sketch mode, if you have some floor lines locked to walls while others are not. This may cause the sketch to break apart in some cases.

Exar Kun
2005-03-10, 06:10 AM
Thanks, that's interesting. In this case I found I was able to get around the problem simply by selecting all lines that I was having trouble with at once and deleting the lot in one go. Trying to delete them seperately was what gave me the invalid floor sketch error.