Autodesk University
2014-12-01, 01:06 AM
Instructor: James Mckenzie with Scott Johnson
Class Description: Builders are showing strong leadership in adopting BIM, and recognize it’s value in terms of improved efficiency and risk mitigation in the construction management process. Technology and new collaborative business processes are currently transforming the AEC industry in unprecedented ways. This class will focus on presenting the strategies, best practices and high-level workflows used by builders involved in using BIM tools (specifically Revit and NavisWorks) during the pre-construction and construction phase. Also addressed will be current trends on how builders are strategically implementing BIM on specific projects and throughout the enterprise, the importance of BIM standards and associated contractual language, and how BIM is used in various project delivery methods such as design/bid/build, CM at risk, design/build and IPD. Also presented will be examples of how builders are using BIM as a competitive advantage in a challenging economic environment.
Class Description: Builders are showing strong leadership in adopting BIM, and recognize it’s value in terms of improved efficiency and risk mitigation in the construction management process. Technology and new collaborative business processes are currently transforming the AEC industry in unprecedented ways. This class will focus on presenting the strategies, best practices and high-level workflows used by builders involved in using BIM tools (specifically Revit and NavisWorks) during the pre-construction and construction phase. Also addressed will be current trends on how builders are strategically implementing BIM on specific projects and throughout the enterprise, the importance of BIM standards and associated contractual language, and how BIM is used in various project delivery methods such as design/bid/build, CM at risk, design/build and IPD. Also presented will be examples of how builders are using BIM as a competitive advantage in a challenging economic environment.