View Full Version : DV322-1: Diversify Visually With AutoCAD Civil 3D

Autodesk University
2014-12-01, 03:14 AM
Instructor: Chad Studer

Class Description: Take Civil 3D to the next level by applying real world materials to 3D deliverables. Every company discusses how significant this workflow would be, but most never follow through. Now you have the ability to complete these deliverables with the current software you already own. This workflow will propel you past your competitors and diversify your company by offering conceptual and visual design solutions for the engineering model. This class will start with a point cloud of an existing roadway from a high definition laser scanner. This data will be imported to Civil 3D and redesigned using roadway commands. Finished design will consist of a new roadway with real world materials applied. An animation is created along the roadway with 3D trees and various symbols to show real-world conditions.