View Full Version : MA114-3: Effective Use of Representations in Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk University
2014-12-01, 03:30 AM
Instructors: Paul Normand

Class Description: Mechanical systems often have moving parts, and designers and engineers need to show these machines in multiple positions. With the ability of Autodesk Inventor to show positional representations, your assemblies can be illustrated in multiple, predefined positions. When working with large assemblies, Inventor has some excellent representation tools for keeping file sizes at a minimum and performance at a maximum. Inventor 2009 added a Level of Detail called Assembly Substitutes. Inventor 2010 upped the ante and introduced a powerful new Level of Detail called a Shrinkwrap Substitute. You can use Shrinkwrap to create amazingly small files and protect intellectual property. Use Substitutes to show a “simplified” part in place of the entire assembly. Join this session to learn how to effectively use all of the different types of representations to create simplified or complex representations of machinery processes and movement. View Representations, Positional Representations, and Level of Detail Representations, including Substitutes and Shrinkwrap, will be covered in the class. We'll then study how to use representations in a drawing to illustrate the model's range of motion or to create unique views.