View Full Version : Window not cutting exterior finish

2005-03-10, 05:09 PM
I have drug my exterior finish down from the main floor to cover the exposed portion of a PTW foundation. When I insert windows they are unable to penetrate this exterior finish (lap siding). Any ideas what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Scott Hopkins
2005-03-10, 06:16 PM
Try joining the geometry of the upper and lower walls.

2005-03-10, 06:16 PM
Am I taking the wrong tact on this project? Obviously this is a filler - row housing - type job. Should I just mass things together and resort to region fills for my wall finishes? I know I've read over and over not to over model one's work - I think I probably have here and its impractical from a cost view point.

2005-03-10, 06:24 PM

Close but no quite. Surface pattern still goes thru the trim of the window. Any ideas???


2005-03-10, 06:37 PM
Problem solved - just had to change the thickness of the window trim to something greater than the siding.