View Full Version : CV9214-1: Leveraging AutoCAD Civil 3D and Autodesk Navisworks to Bid and Build a More Efficient Project

Autodesk University
2014-12-01, 04:50 AM
Instructor: Seth Cohen

Class Description: Here's the scenario: we are a company that builds pipe networks using micro-tunneling technology. When we bid on projects, one of our main concerns is whether or not we will encounter materials under the ground at certain depths that would hinder tunneling. Actually, not only under the ground……but under the ocean! Even though the plans say one thing, we’ve done enough micro-tunneling projects to know that we will encounter materials that were not discovered during the design phase. In the past, based on our experience, we could estimate where we would encounter those types of materials. But now, we will use some of the coolest tools available from Autodesk to better visualize where those materials will be, and how we will construct our projects. We will use AutoCAD Civil 3D, along with Autodesk Navisworks, to very quickly see where we will encounter these different interferences, and to help us better plan the construction of our projects.