View Full Version : Predict the date of 6.0 release...

Henry D
2003-11-20, 05:42 PM
Anyone care to enter their exact date prediction for the 6.0 release? We could then see who the best fortune teller is.

I am going to take out my crystal ball and predict the release date for 6.0.
I believe it will be February 1, 2004. My reason is that, I believe there may be quite a few subscriptions that run out at the end of January which was when the special Autocad crossover deal expired. If the new version is released before that date, subscribers will be more likely to hold off renewing if they already have 6.0.

2003-11-20, 08:32 PM
Very cynical Henry. Audodesk are not that sort of company.

I predict 15th December 2003.

Henry D
2003-11-20, 09:42 PM
Not cynical Begee, just business.

Scott Hopkins
2003-11-20, 10:03 PM
I am going to say Dec 8th. I sure hope it is not Feb 1st.

2003-11-20, 10:05 PM
We'll find out what's in 6.0 on December 2nd, and I'm predicting a Jan 15th release.

2003-11-20, 10:53 PM
Audodesk are not that sort of company.:shock: :?: :shock: :?: :shock: Alright you, what have you done with the real Beegee?

In one of the threads on training books it was mentioned in passing that the 6.0 beta has not even been released yet. We are not going to see a release anytime soon if this is true. Hopefully it's wrong. I think we won't see anything until at least January and maybe even later. There's always April fools day.

2003-11-20, 11:26 PM
In one of the threads on training books it was mentioned in passing that the 6.0 beta has not even been released yet. We are not going to see a release anytime soon if this is true. Hopefully it's wrong. .

Keep it to yourself, but I know for a fact Greg Cashen has it.

2003-11-21, 12:47 AM
Keep it to yourself, but I know for a fact Greg Cashen has it.

You only know that because you gave it to me. By the way, have you figured out how to use the new Revit VIZ renderer yet?

2003-11-21, 12:49 AM
Better be before the 1st of the year, or we should ***** slap these Autodesk guys that lurk around here.

No extra days off for the holidays until the release!!!

2003-11-21, 12:50 AM
We'll find out what's in 6.0 on December 2nd, and I'm predicting a Jan 15th release.

I like to think that Chris muct be right...if autodesk were to release it after January 31, I would hope that they would wait at least a month just to show that they did not deliberately screw up their subscription customers. I think it would go a long way toward destroying customer relations if they did release it on Feb. 1...I would certainly rethink renewing any of our subscriptions.

2003-11-21, 12:56 AM
I am soooo hoping the release will be just prior to xmas, so that Autodesk can ruin my holiday wine tasting in the hunter valley and relaxing in my private spa (sipping wine :wink: ) overlooking the vineyards since I will have to update revit knowledge without losing precious work time. Biatches! :twisted:

Scott Hopkins
2003-11-21, 01:23 AM

I like the way you think! ***** slap! ya that’s the ticket. It has become clear that the "rapid release cycle" of Revit is dead and gone. A mandatory subscription for Revit made sense when you were getting 2-3 new releases per year. However, now that we might be lucky to get one new release every 14 months (5.1 of course can't be counted as a release), it makes one seriously question the value of an annual subscription. AutoDesk is up to their old tricks again. Just another corporate shakedown! :evil:

Scott D Davis
2003-11-21, 01:36 AM
When was 5.0 released? It hasn't even been a year yet! Let's let the Revit Dev Team work their magic. It's coming....and will be here before you know it!

Scott Hopkins
2003-11-21, 01:50 AM

5.0 was released in early December wasn't it? If we get Revit 6.0 in February, as some are predicting, that is 14 months. I think it is important to keep the pressure on. In order to live of to its advertising, Revit should be released at a minimum of every 12 months. Anything less than that could easily be called fraud. I am sure the development team is doing a super job and Revit 6.0 will be a great program. Perhaps AutoDesk should hire more people so that they can release the program in a timely manner and live of to their promises

2003-11-21, 01:36 PM
As long as they get the software right, I'm willing to be patience.
It'll be nice to get it before Christmas, though! :wink:

Cathy Hadley
2003-11-21, 05:12 PM
I want it as bug free as possible and am willing to wait .... a reasonable period for that....

Can you say R13?

I believe that if they are still have the Update Class at AU it won't be long after that, that it will be released. That can't be that much of a tease...


2003-11-21, 06:12 PM
I predict it will be available Dec 19th, 2003 at 5:00 pm Eastern time. That way the people on the west coast get to play with it before us on the east coast and get to brag about. Just my 2 cents

2003-11-21, 07:39 PM
I want it as bug free as possible and am willing to wait .... a reasonable period for that....

Can you say R13?...................

Exactly, r13 could have just been skipped. With so much on the fix list, could we just move on to release 7.

A February 1st release date for version 7 would be just fine with me!!! :P

2003-11-21, 09:22 PM
It feels like AutoCad all over again...too much software ... too little architecture...What comes around...

2003-11-21, 09:22 PM
I'm gonna say dec 21'st, I know the developers want Christmas off.

2003-11-22, 01:02 AM
I predict December 19th, sometime between 10pm and 2am Eastern Standard time....we should see the unveiling of the new version at AU followed by a period of last minute testing amounting to a couple week interlude.

That's essentially what happend last year.

I also predict Don Knotts will announce his candidacy for President...with Roseanne Barr as Vice President. (I needed to include a reasonably safe bet like this to show how "tuned in" I am to all things Revit...) :D

2003-11-22, 01:18 AM
I predict December 15. No reason. Monday on the second week after AU...gives us time to sweat it out but gives the developers Christmas off.

2003-11-22, 01:29 AM
I predict December 15. No reason. Monday on the second week after AU...gives us time to sweat it out but gives the developers Christmas off.

Hey ! already taken. Are you trying to split the prize pool ?

2003-11-22, 07:54 AM
How the hell do you expect me to remember every one of your posts? I mean, come on...986, 987, 989...I can't even count that high!

I amend my previous vote to the day after beegee...December 16.

2003-11-25, 08:52 PM
I am predicting January 28th, the day that my final Construction Document Package goes out with all of the "back-door" and "jury-rigged" fixes that we have had to do while we were waiting on Autodesk. :x :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

2003-11-25, 09:23 PM
I am predicting January 28th, the day that my final Construction Document Package goes out with all of the "back-door" and "jury-rigged" fixes that we have had to do while we were waiting on Autodesk. :x :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Just curious, but such as what?

2003-11-25, 09:23 PM
I with Scott, December 8th. Immediately after AU2003 where all of the Autodesk Revit classes will probably show glimpses of release 6.0. My memory of Autodesk release cycle for Autodesk revit was twelve months, at least that was the goal, until it catches up or exceeds ADT's Building Module collection and some interoperability with DWG and other add-ons, such as greater structural tools, etc.

Of course December 15th is not an unreasonable date, just before Autodesk goes dormant for the rest of 2003. If Autodesk does release Revit 6.0 on or between the 8th and the 15th of December it will only be for paid up subscription members and only for download, with CD versions and open sales to new customers after the 15th of January.

Scott Hopkins
2003-11-26, 01:58 AM
Well I think it is safe to say that Revit 6.0 won't be released in February...

From the Cadtechnologycenter web site:

"Following the release of Revit 6.0, CTC is planning two great seminars. The first is to be held on Jan. 14th, and will be featuring the new features of Revit 6.0. On the following Wednesday, Jan. 21, CTC is hosting a special seminar focusing on those clients that do Design/Build. That seminar will go more in depth, showing how Builders can use Revit 6.0 to design, draw, and manage the construction of their projects."


Henry D
2003-12-02, 10:53 PM
The bidding is over... I just got an e-mail from someone (who wishes to remain anonymous) attending AU. The official release date has been announced; soon- but he didn't tell me the exact date. All I know is that my prediction was the furthest off - so don't ever listen to any of my predicitions.
As soon as we know, the official winner will be announced and will be receiving tickets for an all expenses paid week in a beautiful tropical paradise :wink:

2003-12-02, 11:07 PM
As soon as we know, the official winner will be announced and will be receiving tickets for an all expenses paid week in a beautiful tropical paradise :wink:

Thanks Henry, but I already live in one. :)

Henry D
2003-12-03, 03:35 AM
Then for you Beegee, how about a trip to the corn fields of Iowa?

2003-12-03, 04:52 AM
The bidding is over... I just got an e-mail from someone (who wishes to remain anonymous) attending AU. The official release date has been announced; soon- but he didn't tell me the exact date. All I know is that my prediction was the furthest off - so don't ever listen to any of my predicitions.

So Henry, has Gre... oops, I mean you anonymous source, spilled the beans yet ?
You keep me hanging on...........

2003-12-03, 06:51 AM
[quote:f27ced56ef="Henry D"]The bidding is over... I just got an e-mail from someone (who wishes to remain anonymous) attending AU. The official release date has been announced; soon- but he didn't tell me the exact date. All I know is that my prediction was the furthest off - so don't ever listen to any of my predicitions.

So Henry, has Gre... oops, I mean you anonymous source, spilled the beans yet ?
You keep me hanging on...........[/quote:f27ced56ef]

For the record, the highly unofficial, undocumented but widely rumored release date is Dec. 16. Too bad, beegee...you should have let me split the 15th with you so we could both enjoy tropical vacation (or half of one!). Sadly, I will be vacationing alone. :D

As I said...highly unofficial...officially, they are saying mid december.

2003-12-03, 07:09 AM
Only fair that we split the proceeds Greg . 8)

A one way ticket to the Iowa cornfields for me.
A one way ticket to Gautamala for you.

2003-12-03, 08:59 AM
Is that in Australia?

2003-12-03, 10:06 PM
No, its in Tasmania.

2003-12-03, 11:07 PM
Anyone seen Introducing and Implementing Autodesk Revit 5.5 on amazon.com???

Will We get 5.5 before we get 6.0?

2003-12-03, 11:12 PM
That book title is being held/revised by the authors.

Its definitely 6.0 next.

Henry D
2003-12-05, 11:59 AM
Congratulations to Greg Cashen for his on the money Dec 16th release prediction! Prize will be sent out using very same postal service some of my clients use to pay their invoices.

Here are the results- a lot of very close predictions:

1) Greg Cashen - 16 Dec
2) Beegee - 15 Dec (1)
3) Rodneyf & Steve Stafford - 19 Dec (3)
4) Sbrown - 21 Dec (5)
5) Scott Hopkins & Mlarch - 8 Dec (8 days)
6) czoog - 2 Dec (14)
7) finger - 28 Jan (43)
Last) Henry D - 1 Feb (47) :lol:

2003-12-05, 12:47 PM
After having two sessions viewing the new features of the release 6.0 and having heard several high ranking officials at AU2003 state a release date as Dec. 16: I would just like to say I am changing my guess to Dec. 16th.

This is only a website download and the CD version will not be shipping until late January of 2004.

2003-12-07, 09:51 AM
That book title is being held/revised by the authors.

Its definitely 6.0 next.

held by the publisher, revisesd by the authors :wink: The date has not been finalized at this point.