View Full Version : BIM and the impact on IT

2014-12-04, 05:47 PM
This is my first post so if you can bare with me it would great, also not sure if thisis in the right area

I am a Lead Officer in a Local Council and I deal with all the aspects of Design Software from Architetural,Infrastruture, Engineering, Waste Managment etc we are currenlty moving our Property (multi displine) Service towards BIM and have been doing it quite sucssesful. I now have to bring a paper to our coporate IT managers to get them to understand what we need from them to move forward. I have identified 4 areas that will require descussion Hardware,Storage,Networking and Support. The last one is easy RTFM - hah
The problem I am finding is that there is a lot of information about the Highlevel of BIM and how to use it but it is very bitty in regards to the impact on IT and the stratagies that are required to provide an IT infrastucture for BIM to work well.
Has anyone come across a definitive support paper on what is nessary ? or could point me in the direction of something that my help me with my paper?


2014-12-11, 10:45 PM
This is a nice collection of links (http://www.cad-addict.com/2013/02/list-of-existing-bim-standards.html) that may help you with BIM standards across the world as well as "requirements" for what is necessary. I remember a paper on that page that talked in length about the necessities of Revit on IT; I can't quite remember which one it was however.

As for the office I work in, when it came to the computer per workstation we contacted Dell who was able to help us move in the direction the company wanted to (as well as helping us make sure our server infrastructure was adequate).