View Full Version : 2015 Party wall

2015-01-02, 12:45 PM
Hello folks
First and for mostly Happy New Year!.
Have no Revit experience been messing around with Sketch up for the last five years.
Have decided to give Revit a go, so today I started a trial version of Revit Architecture. I am starting my project by building my external walls but having trouble finding a clay brick 9inch party wall

any pointers very much appreciated

thanks in advance


2015-01-29, 01:54 PM

Select the wall tool then in the properties pallet scroll down (via) top section) and look for a 215mm/9" wall.

If not there, choose a similar wall, then Edit Type, Duplicate, give it a new name, then Structure and edit the structure to what you want, Save etc.

You could make a party wall with plaster on one side only so that it 'looks right' in your model.

Check You Tube for Revit Wall tutorials.

2016-10-07, 05:53 PM
Also, just a friendly heads up. If you ever need that wall again, it's helpful to save that file as your template so you aren't creating it over and over again. (or copying it from file 1 to file 2 all the time). Just a thought I'd pass along.