View Full Version : Unreadable Temp Dimensions

2005-03-11, 02:39 PM
Hello Everybody,
I wonder if anyone can shed light on this problem. I can not read the temporary dimensions when drawing things (too small) or when I use the measure tool. When I try the same thing on a different PC all is well.
Is this some kind of graphics card/driver issue? If so can anyone suggest a solution?
On the duff machine the graphics cards are Dell Integrated devices (Intel extreme I think).


2005-03-11, 10:18 PM
A resolution difference between the two machines ?

Mine is set 1280 x 1240 and the measure tool dims can be very small at that res.

2005-03-12, 04:40 PM
A resolution difference between the two machines ?
Hello Everybody!
I think resolution is not in question, on my 19" monitor i have 1600x1200 and all temp dimensions are very well readable.

2005-03-17, 12:06 PM
A resolution difference between the two machines ?

Mine is set 1280 x 1240 and the measure tool dims can be very small at that res.

The computers in question belong to a College and the IT department has set the resolution to 800x600 (!!!!!!!!!!) AND prevents the user from changing it.

But still could be the problem if Revit 'prefers' 1280x1024 (or whatever)

I'll have a go at changeing the res.



2005-03-17, 02:05 PM
there really needs to be an option to change the size of temp dimension text, like just something where you could specify the font size in points (12 point, 16 point or whatever). I mean really, I'm only 25 years old and I don't use eyeglasses or anything, but even I have a hard time reading it sometimes, and my monitor is only on 1280x1024.

2005-03-17, 02:30 PM
This is clearly a bug. Revit is (should be) able to check display resolution and pick the font size accordingly. Just like during on-screen picking Revit uses a fixed, screen-size aperture (as opposed to pixel size), it should automatically compute font size of temporary dimensions and keep them readable regardless of screen resolution. It is better to minimize the number of knobs that user has to turn.

2005-03-17, 07:24 PM
well, text point size displays differently on different screens with the same resolution, depending on display size. Text on 1024z768 is going to look alot bigger on a 19" moniter than it would on a 14" laptop display. That's why I said there should be an option to change the point size of the text.