View Full Version : 2015 No Autodesk presence at the NAHB - Again?

2015-01-24, 06:45 PM
It's disheartening to me that Autodesk does not make an effort to represent their products as viable solutions for Home Builders at the IBS. This is an International event, and there is just as much Commercial exposure there as there is Residential so what gives? Surely AU isn't the do-all-end-all event for Autodesk marketing? Perhaps Autodesk feels like no one else can compete with their products so why bother, or maybe it's not even in their game plan to approach Home Builders because they are making too much money from the Commercial sector? I've been attending this show for the past 3 years and I continue to hear these kinds of comments as I run into clients looking for better solutions for Residential BIM Design. There is "Huge" interest right now as the Residential sector is beginning to come out of the "dark ages". It was encouraging to see several companies display Revit related productivity add-ons to assist with the Builder transition, but I don't understand why Autodesk can't be there themselves to underscore the message that their products & BIM are available for the Residential Sector also.

2015-01-26, 12:37 PM
As someone that worked as a freelancer for a few years (not any more though), Autodesk products are too restrictive in price for small time operators. It's a shame, because I would have loved to have had access to a reasonably priced version of Revit. AutoCAD is an exception as you used to be able to buy a stand alone product (without a continuing subscription) and this was reasonably priced. Revit is now such a machine that you have to subscribe, and continually update in order to be able to work with any external consultants...for private contractors and small business, and freelancers, its simply not viable. At least that was my experience.