View Full Version : 2015 Hide door size in schedule

2015-02-03, 04:24 PM
Is there a way to simply hide the door width and height in a schedule? We have vault doors that will be purchased and installed when the vaults are being built. The owner won't purchase them until after construction starts so the size showing on our schedule is not relevant. I suggested removing them from the schedule altogether but the PM wants them shown with a note in the comments about what it is and when it will be installed and all other cells blank.

So, can I hide the door sizes? I tried but failed.


2015-02-03, 07:05 PM
I would try removing the parameters from the family, or rename the parameters (Width = W, Height = H)

Or you could make the parameters Family parameters not Shared Parameters.

Whatever you do, be sure you DO NOT save this new family to the library.

2015-02-03, 08:06 PM
As an alternative option, add duplicate parameters for Height & Width, and just leave the hard coded parameters blank.

Jeff S.

2015-02-06, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the reply guys.

I can't seem to get any of those to work however. While editing the door family parameters, removing them (or making them blank) removes the dimensions for the door itself, Revit won't allow me to rename them and they are already Family Parameters.

I am sure I am missing something but these don't seem to work.

2015-02-06, 03:57 PM
Can you post your family so that we can take a look at it?

2015-02-06, 04:02 PM
Here's a method to try:

1. Create a new Project Parameter (Yes/No, Type) that applies to the Doors Category, named something like "Not_Scheduled".

2. Add this as a Field to your Door Schedule.

3. Create a new Calculated Value, named "Display_Height" (Length). Set the formula to = if(Not_Scheduled, 1'/0, Height) . Unfortunately, when a Project Parameter is created in Revit, is starts will a null value, which screws up formulas, so you will have to check the box for the other Family Types. This formula ensures that the unwanted values do not display since the 1'/0 portion of the formula returns an error, thus leaving it blank.

4. Create another Calculated Value for "Display_Width" in the same manner as above.

5. When finished, mark the original "Height" and "Width" fields and the "Not_Scheduled" field are Hidden.

I suggest creating a separate Door Schedule that displays "Type Name" and "Not_Scheduled" so that you can more easily control these Yes/No values without having to hide/unhide that field in your main Door Schedule.

2015-02-09, 05:12 PM
I have another test way to do it. Copy and paste the vault door elements you want into a new door family. Recreate the parameters you want (are we talking like 4 or 5?) and leave the Ht. and W out of it.
Assuming you are using a schedule that is reading from shared parameters, they won't show up. If they do, see CADastrophe's post above and go slowly if you aren't used to creating formula based parameters.

Posting the model is the best solution. These guys can fix it and tell you how and why they did it in a certain way to help your door model along. ;)

2015-02-19, 11:24 PM
So sorry for the lengthy absence, been real sick.
Attached is the door I want to hide the H and W in the schedule. A basic double flush door.


2015-03-08, 03:26 PM
For an example of what Corey described, see the attached ZIP file, which contains a modified version of the Door family you posted (with the added shared parameter Not_Scheduled) and a stripped-down project file that has four sample doors in a Wall and a proof-of-concept Door Schedule showing how the Vault Door Height and Width columns can be blank, while the other doors show the appropriate values.

Files were done in Revit 2015 R2 UR6, Build 20150127_0715(x64).

2015-03-09, 03:15 PM
Thank you David, I will look it over today.