View Full Version : 2015 Formula Help

2015-03-03, 04:15 PM
I've used formula in schedules a great deal including conditional statements in parameter formula such as:

IF (OR (A = 1 , B = 3 ) , 10 , 5)
If A = 1 or B = 3 this parameter will have a value of 10
If A is not = 1 and B is not = 3 this parameter will have a value of 5

But now I've hit a brick wall and just can't seem to get the statements correct to achieve the results I need.

The scenario is that I have a series of walls and at the point of placement depending on the situation, I need users to be able to tell any given wall the number of steel tracks that are required. Due to the various combination It's not feasible to create multiple wall styles and have the choice as a Type Parameter....there would be dozens. This needs to be a Project Parameter which is applied to all walls regardless of their type.

What I need is a parameter which allows the user to say whether a wall is either single or double track (I could have one parameter, a Yes / No which allows them to state if it's a Double and then if they don't check it, the formula can assume it must be a single track)

Based on the choice made by the user, a Single Track result must set another Parameter (lets call it X) to 1, or if it's Double, then X must equal 2. X can then be used in further formula to calculate number of screws and brackets.

Anyone out there have any ideas the Parameter and Statement? help would be most welcome.



2015-03-03, 05:05 PM
I try to avoid using a Project Parameter as a basis for formulas of Calculated Values. The reason is that if a Yes/No Parameter is added, the initial value of this Parameter in every instance will be a null value (neither Yes nor No). This will result in a blank cell for the Calculated Value, because this yields an error result. The user would have to enable/disable this Yes/No Parameter in every single instance (either directly though the element or through the Schedule View), so it will not be able to assume "single track". However, if creating separate Types for "Single Track" and "Double Track" is not reasonable, then I guess you have no other option.

If "X" is your Yes/No Project Parameter, then the formula to convert it to a number would simply be:
If(X, 2, 1)