View Full Version : 2015 Imprecise conditional Cut/Fill Assembly

2015-03-29, 08:23 AM
Hello everybody
I just joined this valuable forum,i liked the interactive way the respected members deal with and i'd like to share experience with you.

I'm trying to get an assembly created for my road project, one condition in the project specifications regarding the road structure is that in case of filling one additional embankment / sub grade layer to be added(i.e) in cut area i have three layers for my section and in fill area i have four layers, i just used conditional cut or fill subassembly as per attached image https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93857240/Conditional%20Cut-Fill.png and i approached exact result ( upper right quadrant for cut condition) & (bottom right quadrant for fill condition) where both are correct, but the problem appeared in the bottom left quadrant where it's a cut condition but i got section for fill condition,a small interpretation for the case, i concluded that civil 3D detect the cut / fill condition with reference to FRL, meanwhile detection must be carried out from the formation.

2015-03-29, 03:49 PM
Welcome to AUGI.

Perhaps I did not understand fully, but it appears that your Cut/Fill sub-assemblies are attached to the bottom of your Roadway sub-assembly, as you'd not construct this with a vertical drop from edge of pavement.


2015-03-30, 06:58 AM
Hi BlackBox
Thanks for your response, actually i have full cross section as per attached image but i intentionally reduced the attached sub-assemblies to give highlight on the case i'm concerned about which i described in the article.
If you have a closer look at the assembly section(Upper Left) you'll find small cayan cross which is the attachment point between conditional Cut/Fill sub-assembly to the lane sub-assembly, please don't concentrate on the daylight attachment cause it has no influence on the condition, the main player in this section is the conditional Cut/Fill sub-assembly.
Hopefully i gave well explanation for the status.
Looking forward to hear from you positively.


2015-04-01, 01:08 PM
Hi B.Box
Any new updates for this subject ?

2015-04-04, 09:35 AM
Any support gentlemen ???

2015-04-14, 08:25 PM
Hello Zahi,
The issue i note is the point where you are attached your slope target. That why you see cut slope when your sub-assembly. is above the ground.