View Full Version : 2015 3D Autocad Import - odd behavior

2015-04-07, 05:02 PM
I'm working on a metal building with a non-conventional, attached multi-story office building. I received a rather large 3D Autocad file of the structural elements from the metal building manufacturer. After deleting alot of detailed information I didn't need I imported it into Revit as follows:

Imported the Autocad file into a conceptual mass
Loaded the conceptual mass into a Revit project
Linked the Revit project into my Main project.

The end result is that the 3D model is properly cut and shows up perfectly.

The odd behavior occurs when I set up a plan region. After creating the plan region the entire 3D model appears, no longer being cut, but only in the view where the plan region occurs. Posted in the Autodesk Forums but no response. If anyone has had a similar experience and has discovered a work around I'd love to hear it. Or is this a known BUG? Anyone?