View Full Version : 2015 Something Changed!!!!!!

2015-04-08, 06:38 PM
In the past, when I wanted to rotate a view, I selected the crop region and modify/rotate. I recently started working in R2015, and that doesn't work anymore.

What changed? How do I temporarily rotate a view?

2015-04-08, 07:31 PM
Still works for me. Any chance your view is associated with a Scope Box? If so that's in charge now, have to rotate the scope box or remove the association with it.

2015-04-08, 09:30 PM
YES!!! On your suggestion I checked for a scope box. This is a four building project, all identical except mirrored. I inherited this project from someone no longer here. Instead of mirroring it, they manipulated it with a scope box.

Don't you love it the way Revit has multiple ways to accomplish the same thing? The other guy always uses the technique I never do!!!