View Full Version : 2015 Visibility of Linked File Controlled by Wrong Workset

2015-04-09, 05:56 PM
I have a linked site model on its own workset (Link - Site). The Link is definitely on this workset, and it turns on/off by turning on/off its host workset. All well and good. However, when I turn off my Shell & Core workset, it ALSO turns off my linked site model. Any thoughts on why this is?



2015-04-09, 06:14 PM
Each link has an Instance parameter AND a Type Parameter for Workset. They need to match so just one will control it. The Type parameter is the definition of the link while the Instance is the workset of the actual copy of the link you can see. This means it is possible to have more than one copy of a link and assign them individually to a different workset...

2015-04-09, 06:38 PM
Hi Steve,

AHA! Thanks. Found it.
