View Full Version : 2014 Help Aligning Various Pieces and Setting Coordinates

2015-04-13, 05:09 PM
Hello all,

I'm trying to align some text blocks and arrows, but I'm having a clumsy time navigating AutoCAD's "features" related to doing this. Quick demo pasted below


I have my text centered, and want to align them to my (red) centerline. But whenever I select two blocks and try to Move them, the "grab handles" go away. If I have a lot of items to move, it's tedious to do one at a time.

On the corner, there is a QuickCalc button where I can pick the exact coordinate I want, but when I try that, it sets ALL coordinates at the same time, where I only want to change the Y.

If I try to calculate an absolute Y-coordinate, then it won't move if I resize the column, so I'd rather not do it that way.

Is there a way I can highlight a bunch of items and just hit a button to "Center all Y-coordinates at [Click here]"?

Tom Beauford
2015-04-13, 05:33 PM
Not sure what you're doing, but have you tried setting the Y in properties? You have to type it in, picking it will set x,y,&z.

2015-04-14, 04:12 PM
Thanks for the response - the idea is that I don't want to set the Y or Z; only the X-coordinate

2015-04-14, 06:28 PM
if you only set the Y value in properties, that's the only thing that will change. Or we're not understanding what you are trying to accomplish.....

maybe post a drawing, with a 'before' and 'after' example on it?