View Full Version : 2014 Door Swing Angle Parameter Type vs. Instance

2015-04-30, 12:11 AM
Hello All,

We are having an internal debate on modifications to our standard door families. We already have a parameter within our doors that control the swing angle. This allow us to change our graphics in plan. Currently, this is a Type parameter. But there are those whom would like to see it changed to in instance parameter, for reasons of 'Flexibility'. There are Pro's & Con's for each. I was hoping to get a read from you nice folks on AUGI for your thoughts. Mine are listed below.

Thank you in advance,
Jeff S.

Pro's for Instance
Less family types
Less clicks to change angle
Less training

Con's for Instance
'Select All Instance' is based on type, and if the values are different, the parameter be empty
Harder to track down incorrect setting.
Adds more data to the project file than Type parameters, all be it minimally
Could lead to lazy modeling (if door swings collide, adjusting swing angle will hide issues)
Untested assumption: If parameter is modified, additional placements may take on incorrect values

Pro's for Type
Easier to identify and fix multiple instances of the doors
Naming convention would contain non-standard angles (not 90)
Harder for end users to change
Should be a limited number of angles (45, 90, 170), 90 being the baseline standard.

Con's of Type
Longer Type Names
More training maybe required
Limits 'Flexibility'

2015-04-30, 08:29 AM
I can't come up with a reason why it wold be a type honestly. The only reason we change the swing angle in 2D(we also have a 3D) is to prevent clutter when you have doors too close to each other.
I remember seeing firms that we're using 90 degrees arc for new doors and 45 degree straight line for demolition but that i irrelevant with Revit.

2015-04-30, 09:49 PM
Con's for Instance
Untested assumption: If parameter is modified, additional placements may take on incorrect values

So testing this in Revit 2014, if you change the door swing angle (Instance) well placing doors, it will maintain that swing angle. Even if you cancel out of the command and restart it, the angle will be maintained. If you change door type, then come back, the value will be reset.

Hoping for some more responses,
Jeff S.

2015-05-02, 10:09 PM
If you'd prefer to use Type Parameter based swings you can still provide an option to override the swing setting. I wrote a blog post about it THIS MORNING (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2015/05/optional-instance-override.html).

These are the parameters you need (parameter names are italic - pick better names if you want):
Type parameter (Angle: Swing - this the standard angle you want to use)
Instance parameter (Angle: Swing Override - this is the default value for the override)
Instance or type parameter (Yes/No: Override Swing - this is the switch to flip)
Instance parameter (Angle: Swing Applied - Formula: if (yes, instance, type)

2015-05-04, 04:14 PM
Thank you Steve,

I was thinking the same thing over the weekend. Now multiply all of those parameter, except the y/n, by the number of door panels. As well as the training/learning curve. It does provide the most flexibility though.

Thank you again,
Jeff S.

2015-05-04, 07:49 PM
If you change door type, then come back, the value will be reset.

I just checked this again, and it maintains the value, even after changing types or even families.

Jeff S.