View Full Version : Detail Bubble

Cathy Hadley
2003-11-23, 12:12 AM
I'd like to create a detail bubble that is essentially a callout - that will reference a Drafting view -

I would like the detail head to be as it is in the default callout however I want it to draw a line with a wide part at the bottom - similar to to section as if the tail pointed straight down.

It seems so basic, yet I don't find one available... (maybe I'm not looking in the correct location)

Thanks in advance - oh great Revit Guru's

2003-11-23, 12:44 AM
You can swap the callout head for other types available in the annotations family or you can make a new callout head using the generic annotation template.
There may be some on RUGI also.

2003-11-23, 01:58 AM
You need to define a new family and set the family category to "Section Heads". Then in your project create a new section type called "call out," and use the new family as the section head. I attached the family so you just need to import it into your project and create a new section type.

Cathy Hadley
2003-11-23, 04:28 PM
Thanks guys, but the part I was really looking for wasn't about the section head... it was more about having a straight line with a tail that doesn't point to the side but straight down...

I have found one way which is to use the callout and just make the rectangle very small to create your tail if you will, and then change the line weight...

How are others handling this very basic look?

2003-11-23, 04:42 PM
I have never done thnis, but I think your method is the easiest way to go. That sounds like how I would do it.

2003-11-23, 06:30 PM
Instead of the callout use a section marker and reference the drafting view. Load the section head you prefer. Edit the section marker properties, and reverse the values for tail length and width.


Cathy Hadley
2003-11-23, 07:43 PM

I'll use the section way if I want the detail to show up on more than one view and the callout way if it only shows on in one!

Thanks !!

2003-11-24, 08:57 PM
Good Idea.
(Wishlist) An option to display a new section only in the current view.