View Full Version : 2015 stacked wall isn't a stacked wall

2015-05-26, 09:28 PM
The project I am working on has stacked walls, except that the wall types that look like stacked walls were created as basic walls. Although I can open the structure form and preview, I cannot get to the form that specifies name, height, offset etc. of each of the layers. What baffles me is how my predecessors edited that stack as a basic wall. In fact, in the wall family browser, there is only one stacked wall type, the Revit default type and it isn't even used! All the stacked walls on this project are basic.

Is this an example of bad modelling, or is it OK and there is something I don't understand here? This project has been updated through several versions of Revit. Maybe something was lost in translation?


Dimitri Harvalias
2015-05-26, 09:45 PM
That would be a vertically compound wall