View Full Version : 2015 Toposurface Rehash

2015-06-11, 06:58 PM
Bringing up toposurfaces again (sigh),

I have a large and complex site with multiple rivers flowing through the property. I have split the topography for the site in the river, allowing different portions of the site to be modeled separately. I also split the topography at a location where there is a substantial grade change, in which an over-building landscaped roof hits a retaining wall and drops to meet the site grade.

This all seems to work, except for some outstanding issues:

1. I end up with "extra" lines in my topography along the split edges. Can't seem to find a way to hide these lines. Perhaps a better solution would be to use a building pad at the retaining wall and slope my topography down within the retaining wall, thereby avoiding any split lines? Keeping the whole site as one surface?

2. The toposurface is linked in from a separate model. However, cut region fills seem to stop working when you do this, requiring you to manually draw a hatch pattern for below grade (although I often do this anyway). Especially since I have below grade buildings, I would often need to turn the cut fill off anyway.

3. An additional complication, although work-aroundable, is that callouts of contour elevations must be done within a view in the linked model, and the view of the main model must be set up to display the site via the linked view. Cumbersome, but doable.

Any reflections on these, esp. 1 ?


2015-06-11, 07:47 PM
Not sure I completely understand the issue but just a thought did you turn off boundary in the surface style
as far a using data shortcuts I never use them the results have been to unreliable and erratic. I also have to share dwgs with others and we are not all link up so just makes it a hassle. if at all possible I keep a data in the dwg