View Full Version : 2016 REVIT 2016 blackout of views

2015-06-28, 07:19 PM
Working on a project in Revit 2016, duplicated an elevation view (NEW PHASE) and renamed and changed it to Existing phase.
Zoom All then caused weird zooming and view movement, and then the view went black.
Black linework and text on black background..thought somehow I must have togled background to black and checked in options, but no background still set as white.

Tried setting to yellow which worked and back again to white, seemed to work, but as soon as I worked in a view it went black on black again.
This seemd to spread to some other views but not all as I opened them.

Then I had issues not able to change wall type in the drop down selection box in properties.
Then Revit reported Hardware Acceleration was being disabled and all views must close, then died and wouldnt close but for windows task manager kill process.

After many checks (video driver up to date etc) decided I must have hardware failure so swapped out the graphics card for another identical one from another computer.
This seemed to work till I opened the file I had been working on and found all views black on black, and so were the backup files!
Tried opening another project and that seemed ok, so tried to start rebuilding my project, but when I duplicated a ground floor view so that I had existing and proposed, it all started again, black on black.

Tried Revit 2015...seems ok but I daren't try to open my Revit 2016 projects in case this problem spreads (don't think I can go to earlier version anyway?).
The Graphics Card is an NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GTX...and I have used these with REVIT 2012 through 2015 without issue, and REVIT 2016 since end of March this year ok, but now it seems it may be incompatible? HOW?

Stuck to get work done, time pressing, and don't see a workaround. Anyone understand what could have happened and how I can move forward? I assume something critical to REVIT died in the first gfx card (but my other programs seemed to work), but I dont understand how this seems to affect any project I now open or create using the replacement card!

Any thoughts gratefully received!


2015-06-29, 02:44 PM
Did you install the latest service pack from Adesk?
How new is the driver on your video card?
have you tied to uncheck the "use hardware acceleration" check box? This should tell you if it's a revit issue or a revit being compatible with that card and driver. I know when I added 2014 to my box and updated my graphics card driver revit became unhappy and I had to roll back the driver to a older version.
Just trying to think of somethings that might help.

2015-06-29, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the reply Dave,
Well I thought I was up to date with service pack and drivers.
The driver was if that means anything to anyone, and was unstalled in April 2015.
A search after the crash reported it as newest driver.
Thinking back the only thing I did unusual was when working on a section with a roof at 22 deg, realising how grotty the display was on the diagonal lines.
So I went into options-Graphics, and seeing anti-aisling switched off, switched it on.
It improved visuals well, but I wonder if it was the issue.
I did try hardware acceleration off but it was too painfully slow by comparison, and it didnt resolve the black background issue, so switched it back on.
Thinking about it - trying Revit 2015..that didnt have anti-aisling switched on.
The original card seems fried, cant even get into BIOS with it now.
After leaving computer off last night until noon, tried again with the replacement identical card.
Went immediately into OPTIONS and turned off anti-aisling.
Didnt get black background issue starting new project so went on and spent most of today from noon till 10pm rebuilding the project from scratch.
About 10pm..Revit Froze again and gave me the Hardware Acceleration Disabled message saying a video driver has occurred etc (as before).
I rechecked available drivers, and this time got an option to install driver dated 03/02/2015.
Hopefully that will sort it-at least Revit started up ok no black screen. Will try again tomorrow
Daren't try anti aisling again - it seems to fry grfx cards!
My system is similar to yours just different Geforce Card...have you had any issues with anti aisling causing problems?
My current theory is Revit must be using some element of the card very hard in anti-aisling mode - when the crash occured room temperature was about 22 deg C, so maybe the card locally overheated and burnt out.
If so I can see tomorrow being fun, temperature are predicted to rise to 27 degrees C.
Any feed back on Gfx cards that others have and can use REVIT 2016 with anti aisling on would be very welcome.
The Adesk site doesnt list any cards as compatable with Revit 2016!

