View Full Version : 2015 Wall Dimension (Disucssion Topic)

2015-06-29, 02:52 PM
Our firms standard is to have units set to 1/256" and dimensions set to "By Units". It's also standard for us to dimension from face of gyp to face of gyp.
I'm wondering that the construction industry would rather see?
My preference would be centerline of wall. This gets rid of the issue with using 4 7/8" thick walls and dimension to face of gyp.
Just wondering what other firms are doing.

2015-06-30, 04:18 AM
Dimension to the object that is present at the time of construction. That means face of stud is more useful than centerline of wall or face of gwb.

2015-06-30, 06:59 PM
Hi all, we dimension to the core of CMU in exterior walls and to wall faces in partitions, we also use 1/256" precision in our drawings. In my opinion, the best practice is to give the information following the construction requirements.

Thanks in advance, Alex

2015-07-04, 03:34 AM
We dimension to face of wall, typically, but only to one side of any wall. If you can get the person doing the layout to get over trying to have an even-inch clear dimension in each room, you can avoid having a lot of 1/8's in the dimension strings when using 4 7/8" partitions.

Most of the contractors doing layout that I have talked with really do not care where the dimensions are to - face of GWB, face of stud, stud center, so long as it is clear what the dimension is to and that every wall segment has a dimension. They are used to have to subtract for GWB thickness, etc.