View Full Version : 2014 EQ not showing in all dimensions

2015-07-02, 11:28 AM

Please have a look at the attached files.

When enabling the EQ in a dimension string, the "EQ" text shows for some dimensions but not for others.
I have checked the instance properties to show Equality Text in all but it is not working.


Any ideias?

Thank you in advance.

2015-07-02, 04:47 PM
Something funky is going on here. When you select any grid line and hit ‘activate dimensions’ button, constraints dim shows up at the angle (?).
Anyway, it looks like the first grid line on the left is causing the problem. Select your dim string, click on EQ to remove constraint, select first grid line on the left, hit ‘activate dimension’ button, change dim to 920 (or whatever), hit enter and change it back to 910.
It works in 2016, I hope it will work in 2014 as well.


2015-07-13, 02:20 PM
That worked.
Thank you very much.

Yes. I also noticed the contraints show at an angle but I have not idea why.