View Full Version : 2015 Intersection of non-rectangular mullions

2015-07-16, 02:21 PM
I've built a profile of some hollow metal mullions that I would like to function within a curtain wall.


However, since the shape is non-rectangular, there are gaps in the intersection of horizontal and vertical members:


Is there a way to make the profiles intersect properly in the model without modeling-in-place an extrusion to fill the gaps?

2015-07-16, 04:04 PM
First Question,
Have you found a manufacturer that makes this type or a product where the glass sits behind as you have it shown?
In your mullion profile, what holds the glass in?

2015-07-16, 08:42 PM
This is more of a modeling question than a building information question. I'm trying to get the mullions to intersect so that they appear correct in 3d views and elevations, preferably without using the "Linework" tool.

but I've found answers to your question from previous projects.

Our head and jamb details show a removable glazing stop:


And I found these manufacturers in the specs:

A. Ceco Door Products.
B. Curries Company.
C. Core Industries, Inc.; Pioneer Industries Division.
D. Republic Doors and Frames.
E. Steelcraft Manufacturing Company.

I could add the glazing stop to the mullion profile to make it look more realistic in 3d, but it still shows the gap when they intersect.

2015-07-17, 04:24 PM
So are you trying to use a curtain wall for a hollow metal window frame?
Anyway to answer your question, no I don't think you can do that with the curtain wall tool.
I've created a family for hollow metal windows out out extrusions. In hind sight I should have used profiles.
But I just created them to flex.
They look correct in plan, elevation and section.

2015-07-20, 02:34 PM
Converting it into window or door family instead of a curtain wall seems to be the best bet for resolving this situation for the CD phase then.

For the moment, the flexibility of curtain walls has won out, as the number of mullions in the frame has been subject to frequent change. I was hoping there would be some solution I was missing somewhere.
