View Full Version : 2016 Broken Lines and Transparent Geometry in

2015-07-29, 08:46 PM

We are experiencing a decent of trouble in correcting the issue of perspective views looking a little messed up. Some of the geometry in the scene appears to be transparent in certain areas which end up showing broken lines. If you have a look at the attachment you can see what I mean. I have recreated this issue on someone else's local copy of the project. Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this?

Running Service Pack 2 for Revit 2016.

cliff collins
2015-07-29, 09:18 PM
I would suspect this is a display driver / graphics card problem. Do all machines have the display problem? If so, do they all have the exact same graphics card/driver?
Try turning on or off Hardware acceleration in Options>Graphics.

2015-07-29, 10:02 PM
I just had a look at both of the cards and drivers on both machines and each are different. My machine is Quadro 600 with the most recent driver (ancient, i know) and my coworker is running a K600 with drivers from 2012. Maybe we're just running bad combinations of cards and drivers. I have an extra K2000 around that I may consider putting in to one of our machines but I'm not sure. Pretty much any other project in the office doesn't cause this type of issue with perspective views.

2015-07-30, 01:31 PM
Another thing to check is the build number. You can find it under the help drop down...about Revit. Everyone on a team should be using the same build. Files saved by one build might cause problems when opened by another build. This can get to be difficult to achieve when working with outside consultants, multiple offices etc. Just a few months ago we added a new member to our team and his Revit was crashing every few hours. We finally checked his build and it was the original R2015 release, while all of us were on update 7. We updated him and the crashes stopped. It's hard to say if say if this could be the source of your problems, but it's good practice for everyone.

Another thing that can cause some of the problems in your model is how it's modeled. How accurate are your intersections? Joints that overshoot each other will not have a clean line at their junction. Also, a 3D object that penetrates another 3D object will not have a line at their intersection. The classic mistake is to make one column the full height of a multistory building, penetrating the floors. A 3D view of that structure will show the column without any lines where it meets the slab.

The video card can cause various problems, especially with hatch patterns in 3D. My video screws up brick patterns all the time. One view shows the brick correctly on one wall but not the other. Move the view and the problem reverses. I have to experiment to get a view that shows all the brick correctly.

2015-07-30, 06:36 PM
I have seen this many times with people still using the Quadro 600. they are to under-powered for 3D to work well. Hardware acceleration or drivers have no effect. The Quadro 600 has 96 CUDA Cores...the K600 bumps up to 192 but when you figure that the Standard K2200 has 640...my GTX860M has 1152 Cores. Test that K2000...chances are it will cure all your problems. You can get a GTX750 for just over a hundred bucks from Tiger Direct or New Egg

2015-08-05, 01:34 PM
I had a look at the build numbers and they were off as suspected. I've brought the conflicting builds up to date and the problem persists. I suppose moving to new graphics cards is the best way to go but its off that 3D Perspective views in other project files generate views just fine meanwhile only this project seems to be causing issues.

cliff collins
2015-08-05, 03:22 PM
Do you have any Linked models in this project?

Do you have any Cad links/imports with origins far away from Revit's origin?

I have sometimes seen odd things like this happen because of those issues.

2015-08-05, 05:59 PM
No linked models. But the CAD did place itself incredibly far from the origin it seems...

I've read up in the past about the Revit project origin point being permanent. It seems that the Survey Point and Project Base Point were left at the origin at the beginning of the project. I rougly measured the distance between the points and my model and it seems that they're 56 kilometers apart. That's probably the issue then isn't it?

cliff collins
2015-08-05, 08:11 PM
Could be. As a test, save as the project, delet the cad files and see if the view looks normal. If so, you have your answer. If not--gotta keep investigating.

2015-08-10, 12:17 PM
Where is extent of the back cut plane from the camera. Or are you using a scope box? I looks like it's being cut because it's at the end of it far cut plane.
Also is that on a curved surface?
When you created this, is this a screen capture or a printed pdf?
If pdf, are you using raster or vector?
If vector use raster, you'll be better results depending on your driver?
If raster, what dpi are you printing to?
Just some thoughts.

2015-08-13, 02:20 PM
Where is extent of the back cut plane from the camera. Or are you using a scope box? I looks like it's being cut because it's at the end of it far cut plane.
Also is that on a curved surface?
When you created this, is this a screen capture or a printed pdf?
If pdf, are you using raster or vector?
If vector use raster, you'll be better results depending on your driver?
If raster, what dpi are you printing to?
Just some thoughts.

I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. I began receiving the following message when opening my local file this morning. I figure that this is the stem of the issue since the DWG at fault is the base over which we began our model. So our model is also incredibly far from the project origin.

Geometry in the file xxx.dwg has extents greater than 20 miles (33km). This may reduce reliability and result in undesirable graphic behavior. Click OK to continue, Cancel to Exit Import.

We currently aren't using any scope boxes in this project. It does look like things are being cut because of a cut plane. But clipping has been turned off for this view. There are no curved surfaces in the project. I used a screenshot directly from Revit to show you the issue. When exporting to PDF the views shows correctly. We always use Vector during export.

cliff collins
2015-08-13, 08:48 PM
Try unloading the cad file and see if the behaviour goes away.

2015-08-25, 01:35 PM
Had a chance to try this as well but there was no luck with that. I suppose I'll just have to deal. I'm done working here at the end of the week anyway. So i suppose we can let this slide.