Autodesk University
2015-07-30, 03:03 AM
Session: BO316-1
Title: There Is an "I" in Every Team
Instructor: Tench Tilghman
Course Description: People don't always get with the program. Resistance to our management efforts is not always futile. Leadership and management are not talents but a learned set of skills that no one trains for in school. Most of us have to learn them on the job the hard way. There are good scientific reasons some methods work, and there are things that appear to work that really do not. Because the common sense of people is not really all that common, we will give you a leg up on the practical, unexpected, and somewhat uncomfortable things that need to be done. Please, do not tell your boss that you had fun in management training. I won't get paid and you will never get a raise that way. Manage your people to perform instead.
Title: There Is an "I" in Every Team
Instructor: Tench Tilghman
Course Description: People don't always get with the program. Resistance to our management efforts is not always futile. Leadership and management are not talents but a learned set of skills that no one trains for in school. Most of us have to learn them on the job the hard way. There are good scientific reasons some methods work, and there are things that appear to work that really do not. Because the common sense of people is not really all that common, we will give you a leg up on the practical, unexpected, and somewhat uncomfortable things that need to be done. Please, do not tell your boss that you had fun in management training. I won't get paid and you will never get a raise that way. Manage your people to perform instead.