View Full Version : 2014 Binding Linked Model with Phase Settings

2015-07-31, 05:42 PM
We have a linked model that we would like to bind into the host model, while maintaining the set and mapped phase settings. Is this possible if we have mapped phases in Revit 2014?

Currently when binding, it takes all elements of the linked model and groups them into the phase of the view that is open when binding. Is this common? I do know we can reassign a workset for phased elements and then isolate workset and transfer them to the appropriate phase. Does Revit 2014 not retain phases when binding?

Any thoughts would help, thank you.

Duncan Lithgow
2015-08-04, 06:50 AM
If I remember rightly you'll need to do something like what you've described. I think I did it by grouping things per Phase in the source file and then copying them into the new Host project. But it was messy.

I don't remember the exact problems but it was things like new Doors in existing Walls - some things I just couldn't get to work. I ended up adding a temporary parameters to many categories so I could use that to define which Phase I wanted them in when they came into the new Host file. Then I could set up Views based on those parameters and use them to move everything to the correct Phase.

Hope that helps, or, how did it go?

2015-08-06, 04:25 PM
Thanks, yeah it reinforces the thought that Revit 2014 does not map phases when binding links. So far it is not critical to bind the linked models successfully, but I am probably going to specify with workset for one phase.

2017-09-29, 04:51 PM
Just in case anyone comes across this old thread, I've developed a solution using Dynamo: http://bimextension.com/use-dynamo-to-transfer-phase-data-to-bound-revit-models/

Let me know your thoughts on this workflow.