View Full Version : CP220-2: Introduction to the Revit® API

Autodesk University
2015-08-07, 05:18 PM
Session: CP220-2

Title: Introduction to the Revit® API

Instructor: Rod Howarth

Course Description: From Hello World and beyond, this class will take you through the steps of creating a Revit add-in from scratch and registering it to run inside Revit using the Revit application programming interface. You will learn how to get input from the user, access their currently selected elements, and read and write to and from the project database. Learn how the RevitLookup tool can help you to get familiar with the Revit file structure and debug your application, and learn how filters can help you speed up your database searches. With a little Microsoft® .NET programming knowledge, you can create great add-ins for Revit. This class shows you the basics that you can then build on. Some .NET programming (C# or Visual Basic®) experience is recommended.