View Full Version : DV419-1: Introduction to Creating Autodesk® 3ds Max® Plug-Ins with Microsoft® .NET

Autodesk University
2015-08-07, 05:29 PM
Session: DV419-1

Title: Introduction to Creating Autodesk® 3ds Max® Plug-Ins with Microsoft® .NET

Instructor: David Cunningham

Course Description: You may have heard of Microsoft .NET, but did you know that you can use this platform to interface with many Autodesk products, including Autodesk 3ds Max? This course will show you how. You will learn about the Microsoft .NET Framework and see how it might be applied to a visualization project. An overview of the platform will be given, along with a discussion of some of the tools required to work with .NET in the context of Autodesk 3ds Max. We will demonstrate a "Hello World" example, and follow that up with two real-world examples. Finally, we will discuss the strengths of .NET and how it can be used in the day-to-day work of a visualization artist.