View Full Version : Layer Manager & Layer drop down are slow to open.

Glenn Pope
2005-03-17, 06:01 PM
The most common reason for this are layer filters. Layer Filter, though useful, can multiply very quickly. This also causes the drawing to have a larger file size.

So to fix this problem you need to delete all the Layer Filters you don't need. This can take awhile if you have a few thousand filters. AutoLISP to the rescue. Our own Robert Bell wrote a routine just for this problem. See the attached file.

Autodesk Knowledge Base:

ID: TS74735 - Layer filters propagate when object is copied from one drawing to another (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS74735)

ID: TS84736 - Layer Manager takes long time to load compared to previous release (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS84736)

ID: TS74036 - Layer Properties Manager loads slowly (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS74036)

AUGI Forums:

Layer Manger very slow ...

Slow Layer Manager and Layer Pulldown

Layer Manager slow to open

Slow Layer Prop drop down list

Slow Layers

Need Help Deleting "Named Layer Filters"

Layer Manager

layer properties manager

Are junk layer filters added?

Delayed Layer Properties Manager



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