View Full Version : CC231-1: Cross-Product Workflow for Industrial and Product Design: Autodesk® Alias®, Inventor®, and Showcase®

Autodesk University
2015-08-07, 05:48 PM
Session: CC231-1

Title: Cross-Product Workflow for Industrial and Product Design: Autodesk® Alias®, Inventor®, and Showcase®

Instructors: Ralph Hartmann with Nils Kremser

Course Description: This presentation will show the benefits of a combined set of software products, giving the designers the right tools to cover all stages of the design process. Starting with the surfaces in Autodesk Alias, to importing and processing the surfaces in Autodesk Inventor, to preparing and presenting the Autodesk Inventor model in Autodesk Showcase, this class will show the main challenges in the daily process of design. The focus is on the workflow processes of the programs, and the new features in Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Alias. If you are an industrial designer or a product developer, this class will provide insight into the advanced and professional design workflow available with your Autodesk products.