View Full Version : 2014 Room area objects losing associations with walls and area separation lines

The Monk
2015-08-13, 03:43 PM
Has anyone experienced existing room area objects losing their associations to bounding walls and area separation lines? We are working on a workshared enabled project. The model was correct the previous day and when the project team created their new local files the next day the room objects were there but not hosting to the walls or area separation lines.

We found when we selected the walls and turned off and then on the Room Bounding check box the walls were seen by the room object. We had to re-associate the area separation lines to the correct workset for those objects to work correctly. The building is three stories. We adjusted all three floors. And this morning the first two floors are holding the associations but the third lost all the wall references and separation lines references.

We noticed this morning if we move a wall that had been adjusted it created a bust for all the room objects - walls and separation lines reverted to the previous not association condition.

Any ideas about what may be going on?



cliff collins
2015-08-13, 08:42 PM
Do you have any Linked Revit models? I have seen this happen when a Linked model is set to Room Bounding, then the Linked model gets reloaded, and the rooms which are bounded by the linked model's walls lose their host.

If you don't have a Linked model setup, check the Rooms' setting for computational height--could be the rooms are offset above a Level and their boundary is "leaking"--causing the problem you describe. Check Room Properties for Level offsets.
Also check if Room Separation Lines are touching all room bounding walls. Make sure all walls are set to room bounding. Check if columns are room bounding.

The Monk
2015-08-13, 09:52 PM
Thanks Cliff,

We do have linked Revit models in the project. Where would I find the Room Bounding setting for the linked models? I've looked at the Manage Links dialogue box and there is nothing there.

Thank you for the suggestion -

Dimitri Harvalias
2015-08-13, 10:03 PM
Select the linked file and open the Type properties. You'll find the Room Bounding check box in there.

The Monk
2015-08-13, 10:06 PM
Thanks guys,

The Monk
2015-08-13, 10:33 PM
We did find one linked file which had the Room Bounding setting on. It is one where we share walls. It is on the lower level (several floors below the one we are having a problem with) of the building. We have turned the RB off but the issue is persisting. I am now looking at the phase mapping to see what influences it may be imposing. What a challenge!