View Full Version : 2016 REVIT BUG???, ELEMENTS DON'T SHOW and DESSAPEAR when zoom in & out.

2015-09-07, 07:19 AM
Hi All,

I hope someone could help. We are working in a project fully developped in RVT 2016 and the deadline is quiet tight. I detected yesterday something that looked like a bug, and it affect to the visualization, because the elements dissapear when I zoom in & out.
We work for several years with revit and we can't figure out what's happening. I know that sometimes elements in revit can "disappear" because several reasons, but we have already checked every visibility filter, override, template etc and nothing. That's why we are almost sure that this could be a software related issue, what I hope it's not.

Sign 1_
When I zoom in a normal plan view some elements disapear and others just pop up. In the attached image "01_Possible Revit Bug" you can see the same view without changing anything. I've tried printing, to see if we could continue working despite the error but even the generated Pdf file is corrupt, I ramdom elements are not showed.

Sign 2_
In the attached image "02_Possible Revit Bug" you can see that you are able to select the geometry that it's not show. So, the element is there, but it is not visible. Argh!!

I ask for someone who has had the same issue. I couldn't detect any major change made in the model that could cause this in the last days.
I tried in other computer with RVT 2016 and it doesn't solve the problem.

I copied some elements to a new project and the problem seems be solved, although, if I copy and save all the elements, phasing setting would disappear. Definitely this is not a solution because we are working in a renovation project and phase setting are necessary to be kept.

2015-09-07, 09:52 AM
showing when zooming (or not showing) sounds more like a graphic card issue than a Revit issue.

2015-09-07, 11:47 AM
Hi Craig, thanks for your help. I think this is not the case, because I've tried opening in other computer and the error is still there. I'm trying to figure out how to solve it. I've realized some rare issues:
- If I copy the problematic element (the one that show/ not show when zooming), it displays properly, without changing any Visibility settings, in the same view (WTF?). This could be a solution. Detect all the "corrupt?" elements and copy, delete, and paste in the same place. Since I'm working in a big project this could take hours, but, what really worries to me is to forget some elements in the process or even having again the same problem in the future because this could be "corrupt project related error".

2015-09-07, 11:53 AM

After fighting for several hours I figured out how to deal with this error. I discovered that only 10 of 62 views contained this kind of issue. These view had applied a template. I reviewed the view template settings, everything looked ok, so I created a new template with EXACTLY the same settings and.... WOW! It worked!!
Why? I don't really have an explanation. A new template with the same settings but in this case it worked. If fails again I'll post to help to whom could need it.
