View Full Version : 2014 Reflected Ceiling Plan Vs Plan view ---> direction up

2015-09-08, 08:28 AM
So I am now working in Europe where the plan views are shown looking from underneath the slab for all levels except slab on ground.
I have been dealing with this by using reflected ceiling plans, with several view filters to show a solid hatch for elements on the topside of the slab (ie hidden line - hidden by the slab and walls from underneath)

I thought I would try using the plan view (looking up) with the same view template applied as I use for reflected ceiling plan. Theoretically these views are identical. For some reason, everything works as expected EXCEPT the hatch of the view filters. I have over-ridden the linetype, line colour, and hatching for these elements "over" using filters. The linetype, and line colour change as expected, but the hatching does not show. I find this pretty bizarre because it means the filters are working, but I have no idea why this hatching is not showing.

Anyone else dealt with this, or have a way of dealing with this??
